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  April 2019  
European Commission



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In this issue

Overview articles
How is the EU supporting BIM and ICT development in the buildings sector?

BIM (Building Information Modelling) is the process of creating and managing information digitally across a building life-cycle. The first European conference on BIM and the energy performance of buildings was held in June 2018. It aimed to present the status of BIM, and the opportunities and challenges regarding the use of BIM for the regulatory assessment of the energy performance of buildings.

Decarbonising the non-residential building stock

The building stock in the EU Member States is relatively old, on average 21.6 % of the building stock was built before 1945, 45.4 % was built before 1969 and 75.4 % before 1990. With the exception of Cyprus, Ireland and Luxembourg, the proportion of residential building stock built after 2000 is below 25 %. A relatively old building stock means that without significant investments to improve its energy performance, the average energy performance of the national stock will remain low.

Topic of the Month ‘Integration of renewable energy sources (RES) and new materials'

Every month, BUILD UP highlights publications covering a specific topic. April’s Topic of the Month is: ‘Integration of renewable energy sources (RES) and new materials’. The website is already open for contributions and BUILD UP’s editorial board is eager to receive your discussion papers, news and articles.

Register for BUILD UP skills workshop at CONSTRUMAT’19

Are IoT, BIM, robotics and smart buildings a foreign language for your building professionals? Join us at one of Europe’s biggest building industry events to discover and share how the buildings sector could become fluent in digital technologies for smart, energy-efficient buildings.

Webinar: Assessing the energy performance of a building, put energy efficiency first

EuroACE presents the final version of its Guide to EPBD Implementation in a series of webinars in cooperation with BUILD UP. The fourth and final webinar of the series will take place on 8 April and will discuss the topic of ‘Assessing the energy performance of a building, put energy efficiency first’.

European Commission launches EPBD art. 19a feasibility study

The European Commission has launched a feasibility study to clarify the need, possibilities and timeline for the potential introduction of EU provisions in relation to the inspection of stand-alone ventilation systems and an optional building renovation passport.

Improving Build Up together!

Hello! We are working on Build Up portal to provide you a better experience. We are reforming the menu and we aim for an easier and clearer navigation with more insightful page titles. The study will take approximately 5-6 minutes to be complete. Please help us improving, we appreciate your feedback! Click 'more' to join the study. All answers that are kept are strictest confidential.

Energy benchmarking in educational buildings through cluster analysis of energy retrofitting

In this paper, Italian school buildings’ stock was analysed by cluster analysis with the aim of providing a methodology able to identify the best energy retrofit interventions from a cost-benefit perspective, and to correlate them with the specific characteristics of educational buildings.

Combined seismic and energy upgrading of existing buildings using advanced materials

Of the current EU building stock, 80 % was built before the 1990s, while 40 % is pre-1960s and a considerable amount is even older and classified as cultural patrimony, thus requiring preservation techniques if we want to maintain this cultural heritage for our future generations.

Efficiency House Plus - Renovation of 2 Row Houses from 1938, Neu-Ulm Germany

In the southern part of Germany, the first Efficiency House Plus projects from an existing building stock were finished in 2015, with the renovation of two multi-storey dwellings owned by the housing company NUWOG. The two row house complexes, built in 1938, were part of a planning competition for universities in cooperation with consultants.

Bains de Laeken - Swimming pools complex Low-Energy Renovation - Brussels

The Bains de Laeken project combines the reinterpretation of a modernist building from the 1970s with the inevitable energy renovation required by this type of building. The project aims to extend the life of important public sports equipment, thus upgrading its quality to meet the current standards of safety, hygiene and, of course, energy-efficiency.

EU-MERCI: good practices for energy efficiency projects

EU-MERCI stands for EU coordinated MEthods and procedures based on Real Cases for the effective implementation of policies and measures supporting energy efficiency in the Industry.

STEPPING: new approach to energy performance contracts

The project aims to test a new approach to applying the EPC scheme in the design and awarding of energy efficiency intervention for public building stock. This approach will be used to develop validated guidelines on MED EPC to be transferred and disseminated to MED public institutions.

A network for exchanging views on sustainable public procurement

The Procura+ Network offers participants the chance to exchange experiences and knowledge, both with fellow participants and other experts in sustainable public procurement.

A programme for peer-to-peer learning for energy plans

The PROSPECT learning programme enables peer-to-peer learning in regional and local authorities in order to finance and implement their sustainable energy and climate action plans. The programme builds upon successful financing schemes implemented in cities and regions in the European Union.

Webinar on smart and technology-equipped buildings – new features from the amended EPBD

The iBRoad project is working on the concept of Building Renovation Passports combining an individual building renovation roadmap. If you want to know more about the iBRoad project and the Building Renovation Passports do not miss the opportunity to watch this webinar, produced in collaboration with Build Up!

Webinar on innovative business models and smart financing for the deep renovation of European buildings

This webinar, organised by the STUNNING project in collaboration with Build Up, addresses the project and innovative business models and smart financing for the deep renovation of European buildings. The project aims to promote successful and innovative building renovation packages and business models around a virtual and collaborative knowledge sharing platform: the STUNNING Renovation Hub.

Technical toolkit for renovation with add-ons

The Technical Toolkit guides and outlines processes for stakeholders to understand, assess and implement the technical assessment required for successful building renovation projects with Add-ons. The energy-economic analysis for non-experts and experts alike can be done with support of the technology catalogue, which combines different technical solutions, possibilities, materials their technical properties.

Hotmaps: The open source mapping and planning tool for heating and cooling

The Hotmaps project aims to design a toolbox to support public authorities, energy agencies and urban planners in strategic heating and cooling planning at local, regional and national levels and in line with EU policies. The beta-version of the Hotmaps toolbox is now online. In the following year, the tool will be updated and new releases will be available.

Implementing the New Energy Performance of Buildings and Energy Efficiency Directives

During this International Practical Seminar we bring together experienced practitioners from all over Europe such as directors, heads of unit and managers in public and private bodies involved in the fields of energy efficiency.

EU GreenWeek 2019

The week will be built around the findings of the Environmental Implementation Review, and its suggestions for the future of these laws.

Barcelona Building Construmat BB CONSTRUMAT'19

A multi-tool, a meeting point, an innovation incubator, a tannoy announcing disruptive voices, a showroom for new products, a platform for networking and a hub for businesses.

URBAN FUTURE global conference

The URBAN FUTURE global conference is Europe’s largest event for sustainable cities. It’s the place to meet the most passionate and inspiring CityChangers from all over the world.

Social media
Build Up on Twitter

TripleAreno aims to provide occupants and building professionals the information & tools to make #DeepRENOvation Attractive, Acceptable and Affordable. Take part in their survey and contribute to this project.

Build Up on Linkedin

Become EU BUILD UP member to get to know the excellent experts and potential partners from the industry. Sign up here!

About this e-mail

The BUILD UP newsletter is issued by the European Commission's Executive Agency for SMEs (EASME). The content of the newsletter does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the institutions of the European Union.

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