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European Commission Horizon 2020 Energy Efficiency
News Alert
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15 June 2016
Innovative Financing for Sustainable Energy in Practice
Join us at the EU Sustainable Energy Week next 15 June 2016 to discuss how the EU is answering the needs of market actors through policy work, ongoing Horizon 2020 projects and the European Investment Bank (EIB). Pre-registration has closed, but you can still register onsite at the venue.
15 June 2016
Meet us next week
After the session participants will be able to meet directly with EIB and EASME staff to ask questions about financing tools such as ELENA and Horizon 2020 Project Development Assistance (PDA) – which support energy efficiency projects by funding technical assistance for investments. Meet us from 10:30-13:00 CET and don't forget to register for your slot in advance.
30 June 2016
Project Development Assistance - How to prepare a convincing proposal?
We are organising a webcast on 30 June 2016 from 15:00 to 16:00 to show you how to apply for PDA funding and give you practical recommendations and answers to your questions. You are welcome to send them in advance to EASME-Energy@ec.europa.eu The link will only be active on June 30th a few minutes before 15:00 CET. The recording will be available at the same link.
See also : Watch the webinar here
This is a news alert from the European Commission, Executive Agency for SMEs (EASME).

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