Horizon 2020 Energy Efficiency

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Horizon 2020 Energy Efficiency Info Day – Registration open!

Horizon 2020 Energy Efficiency Info Day will take place on Tuesday 22 January 2019 at Charlemagne building, in Brussels. Topics of the 2019 call will be presented in a series of workshops organised by EASME throughout the day.

Making EU’s building stock energy efficient

A new publication on high energy performing buildings is showcasing H2020 projects that help the buildings sector to contribute towards EU’s energy and climate policy targets.

New energy labelling tool helps you save money on heating

Funded by Horizon 2020 LabelPack A+ project developed a free energy labelling tool to support the most efficient choices in heating systems. It calculates and produces the energy label for customised packages of space, water and combination heaters.

LEDs shed light on Europe's future

Horizon 2020 project Premium Light Pro has been working since 2016 to support the uptake of LED lighting systems among public authorities and private companies across nine EU countries.

Energy Performance Contracting – flexibility with guarantEE

The Horizon 2020 project guarantEE has developed and tested Energy Performance Contract (EPC) variants that allow for a higher degree of flexibility for all contract counterparts.

Horizon 2020 energy efficiency projects help circular economy become a reality

Among 40 EU-funded projects, there were 8 Horizon 2020 projects presenting their achievements at Ecomondo – the annual trade fair for the green and circular economy that took place from 6 to 9 November in Rimini.

Facilitating sustainable energy investments across Europe by sharing best practices

Join the next Sustainable Energy Investment Forums in St. Julian’s (Malta) on 22 November, in Frankfurt (Germany) on 5 December or follow the webinar on financing energy efficiency in industry on 13 December 2018!

This is a news alert from the European Commission, Executive Agency for SMEs (EASME).

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