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European Commission Horizon 2020 Energy Efficiency
News Alert
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Webinar 20 May - Funding available to develop your sustainable energy projects
Horizon 2020 Project Development Assistance (PDA) supports energy efficiency projects by funding technical assistance for investments. If you want to know how PDA works, learn more about success stories and how to apply for funding, follow our webinar on 20th May 2016 from 10:00 to 11:00 online. EASME project advisers will be presenting this funding facility and will answer to questions. You are welcome to send them in advance to EASME-Energy@ec.europa.eu. A live Twitter chat will follow the webinar at 11:00CET. Send us your questions to @H2020EE by using #askEASME #EnergyFinancing.
See also : Learn more about PDA
This is a news alert from the European Commission, Executive Agency for SMEs (EASME).

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