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  30 November 2023  


Insurance and pensions supervision in Europe

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In the spotlight

EIOPA Conference 2023: highlights and recording

Hidden risks, new horizons. This was the theme of the EIOPA Conference that took place on 21 November 2023. In case you missed the event or want to refresh your memories, you can (re)watch the whole conference, or have a look at the highlights video on the event page.


Risk dashboard: macro, markets and digitalisation risks are insurers’ top concern

The November 2023 Insurance Risk Dashboard shows that insurers’ exposures to macro, market and digitalisation risks are currently at a high level and the main concern for the sector. Find out more


Planning for retirement

Have you started planning for your retirement? The pensions gap, an ageing population, a challenging economic environment mean that many of the EU citizens are at risk of having inadequate income in their old age. As the European Retirement Week unfolds, we raise awareness on the importance of planning for retirement.


Latest publications

Factsheet: asset allocation and members of Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision (IORPs)

The visual factsheet that provides a clear picture of how European IORPs allocate the approximately €2.5 trillion euros they manage across different asset types and jurisdictions.
document EIOPA - IORPs statistics facts...  (1.23 MB)

Joint Committee Final Report on Draft Implementing Technical Standards on the mapping of ECAIs' credit assessment

In the amended ITS, the European Supervisory Authorities are proposing to change the credit quality step (CQS) allocation for four ECAIs, and to introduce new or amended credit rating scales for seven ECAIs.
document JC 2023 049 - Final report - A...  (552 KB)

Report on Cross-border IORPs 2023

This 2023 report looks into recent developments in cross-border business among Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision (IORPs) within the European Economic Area (EEA).
document Report on cross-border IORPs 2...  (1.16 MB)

Consultations and surveys

Survey on access to cyber coverage by SMEs

date 20/09/2023 - 20/03/2024
See also More information about this survey

Consultation on the supervision of captive (re)insurance undertakings

date 06/09/2023 - 05/01/2024
See also More information about this consultation

Upcoming events

Sustainable Finance Conference 2023

EIOPA’s 2023 Sustainable Finance Conference will gather regulators, industry and stakeholders to critically assess efforts in delivering on sustainability goals.
date 14/12/2023
venue Online via Webex
Registration Register now
See also Event page

Open vacancies

Digital Finance Expert

date 12/12/2023
See also Vacancy notice

Head of Internal Models Unit

date 04/12/2023
See also Vacancy notice

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