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  28 September 2023  


Insurance and pensions supervision in Europe

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In the spotlight
Review of the IORP II Directive: embracing the future while protecting the legacy

EIOPA submitted its technical advice on the review of the IORP II Directive, which regulates the activities and supervision of institutions for occupational retirement provision. EIOPA aims to enable IORPs to continue playing their important role in society while adapting the directive to a changing world.

Latest publications
Joint Committee Report on risks and vulnerabilities in the EU financial system - Autumn 2023
The Report underlines the continued high economic uncertainty. The ESAs warn national supervisors of the financial stability risks stemming from the heightened uncertainty, and call for vigilance from all financial market participants.
document Joint Committee Report on risk...  (532 KB)
Factsheet on EEA insurers' investments at the end of Q1 2023
The factsheet highlights data on how European (re)insurers invest their assets across different asset types and jurisdictions.
document EIOPA - Insurance statistics f...  (1.47 MB)
Factsheet on the occupational pensions sector in Europe
This factsheet gives a global view on the occupational pensions sector in Europe in 2023. It looks at the size of the IORP sector, at how developed it is across Europe and highlights some recent trends.
document 2023-09-24 - IORPs landscape f...  (2.36 MB)
ESAs Report on the landscape of ICT third-party providers in the EU
The European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs), together with the competent authorities, carried out in 2022 a joint high-level analysis with the objective of getting a preliminary overview of the provision of information and communication technology (ICT) services to the EU financial entities by ICT third-party service providers (TPPs).
document ESAs report on the landscape o...  (289 KB)
Consultations and surveys
Survey on access to cyber coverage by SMEs
date 20/09/2023 - 20/03/2024
See also More information about this survey
Consultation on Open Insurance: an explanatory use case in the insurance sector
date 24/07/2023 - 24/10/2023
See also More information about this consultation
Consultation on Supervisory Statement on supervision of reinsurance concluded with third country insurance and reinsurance undertakings
date 10/07/2023 - 10/10/2023
See also More information about this consultation
Consultation on Staff paper on measures to address demand-side aspects of the NatCat protection gap
date 05/07/2023 - 05/10/2023
See also More information about this consultation
Upcoming events
2023 EIOPA conference: Hidden risks and new horizons
Save the date! EIOPA's annual conference will bring together the supervisory community, policymakers, industry and consumer associations to consider supervision in a world with daily new dynamics, such as increasing horizontal regulation and new disruptions.
date 21/11/2023 - 21/11/2023
Registration Learn more
Public event on Supervisory Reporting
The objective of the event is to present the major current developments and future expectations in the area of supervisory reporting, to update stakeholders on the taxonomy roadmap, to provide details on the major issues encountered with the taxonomy 2.8.0
date 10/10/2023
Registration Register now

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