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Natural Partners: Jacinda Ardern explains why the EU and New Zealand need to work together

ew Zealand and Europe can recover from the economic shocks of the Coronavirus pandemic together, New Zealand Prime Minster Jacinda Ardern told the Brussels Economic Forum.

“In New Zealand we have watched our friends and Europe deal with the situation with courage and compassion,” Ardern said. “My message is simple: we need to work together.”

New Zealanders and Europeans can share a vision of “free and open markets, in a world where human rights are priorities,” she said.

And although “high uncertainty surrounds global recovery” from the pandemic, both the EU and New Zealand have a strong economy and “understand that the health of our people allows us to achieve our potential.”

Natural Partners: Jacinda Ardern explains why the EU and New Zealand need to work together

In the face of a “once in a 100-year shock,” the New Zealand economy has “proved to be remarkably resilient,” she said.

“I know the EU is on its own transition, striving for a greener digital economy,” Arden said. “We want a green, digital New Zealand.”

Like Europe, New Zealand has committed itself to bringing emissions to net zero by 2050. “All aspects of our economy must work towards this.” In the Pacific Region “our neighbours identify climate change as one of their biggest challenges.”

The EU has launched negotiations for a trade agreement with New Zealand, which Ardern said should “provide the cornerstone of our relationship in future.”

“Europe and New Zealand are pulling in the same direction. Free trade negotiations are taking place with a strong focus on sustainability and open trade.” Like the EU, New Zealand believes it must resist protectionism, she added.

“We are natural partners,” Ardern concluded. “We can recover and we will. We can do it together.”