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#investEU Newsletter

January 2021

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In the spotlight: 5 sustainability related projects
Dutch district heating gets green acceleration
The Investment Plan will support a €50 million loan to HVC Groep, a sustainable energy and waste company in the Netherlands, helping it in the installation of more centralised and sustainable heat generation based on biomass, renewable waste and low-carbon geothermal energy.
Ages & Vie speeds up development supported by the signature of a first €55m loan agreement between Korian and the EIB
A loan guaranteed by the EFSI will support the development of innovative co-living solutions for elderly people in France. The buildings will be sustainable infrastructure projects with a positive environmental impact (HQE – NF Habitat standard).
European Investment Bank provides €290 million to Wacker Chemie
The agreement, backed by the Investment Plan for Europe, will finance Wacker Chemie`s research and development efforts, with a focus on the company's innovation and sustainability strategy. The new financing will help Wacker Chemie reduce its CO2 emissions and put it on track to reach full climate neutrality by 2050.
EIB Group cooperates with Hypo Vorarlberg to support climate action investments
The Investment Plan for Europe will allow the Austrian bank to increase its lending capacity to households, SMEs and mid-caps for the construction of new energy-efficient homes.
EIB and Gmp join forces to promote investment in sustainable buildings in Madrid
The EFSI-based financing will support the development of near zero energy buildings (NZEBs) and for refurbishments works in Madrid, reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions in office buildings.
The InvestEU Programme
Latest news on InvestEU

On 8 December, the European Parliament and EU Member States in the Council reached apolitical agreement on the InvestEU Regulation. Once the European Parliament Plenary and the Council approve the final text and the Regulation enters into force, InvestEU will provide the EU with crucial long-term funding, crowding in private investments in support of a sustainable recovery from the coronavirus pandemic and helping build a greener, more digital and more resilient European economy.

The main elements of the political agreement include: four policy windows (Sustainable Infrastructure; Research, Innovation and Digitisation; SMEs; Social Investment and Skills); an overall EU budgetary guarantee of EUR 26.2 billion; possibility of strategic investments to promote the EU’s open strategic autonomy in key sectors; at least 30% of investments will contribute to the EU objectives on climate action; Just Transition Scheme to generate additional investments to the benefit of just transition regions; possibility to implement part of the national plans under the Recovery and Resilience Facility via the InvestEU programme and the InvestEU Advisory Hub; implementation in partnership with the European Investment Bank and the European Investment Fund and multiple other implementing partners.

InvestEU is the EU's proposed flagship investment programme to kick-start the European economy. It is well-placed to provide long-term funding and to support Union policies in the recovery from a deep economic and social crisis. The InvestEU Programme builds on the success of the Investment Plan for Europe and the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI).

For more information:

Latest results as of December 2020

  • As of December 2020, EFSI is expected to trigger €546.5 billion in additional investments and to benefit more than 1.46 million small and mid-sized companies.
Investment Plan for Europe exceeds €546 billion investment target ahead of time

As of December 2020, the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) was expected to trigger €546.5 billion in overall investments (exceeding the initial target of €500 billion, ahead of the end-2020 deadline) and to benefit around 1,460,732 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) located in all 28 Member States. Currently, the top five countries ranked in order of investment amounts triggered relative to GDP are Estonia, Greece, Bulgaria, Portugal and Spain. In absolute terms, the top five beneficiary countries are France, Italy, Spain, Germany and Poland.

Under the Infrastructure and Innovation Window, the European Investment Bank approved 1,062 projects amounting to €314.5 billion in expected total investment value in all 28 Member States. Approved EFSI financing under the Infrastructure and Innovation Window amounts to €69.7 billion.

Under the SME Window, the European Investment Fund has approved 816 operations in all 28 Member States for a total expected investment value of over €232.0 billion. Approved EFSI financing under the SME Window amounts to €33.0 billion.

The investment period during which the EU guarantee may be granted for supporting financing and investment operations covered by the EFSI Regulation ended on 31 December 2020. Contract between the EIB Group and beneficiary or financial intermediaries of operations approved until 31 December 2020 can be signed until 31 December 2022.

For more information and project examples for each Member State:

The European Investment Advisory Hub: Almost 1,840 requests received

The European Investment Advisory Hub (EIAH), a joint initiative by the Commission and the EIB, is a single access point to advisory and technical assistance services. The EIAH offers a single access point to a 360 degree offer of advisory and technical assistance services with the aim of strengthening Europe's investment and business environment.

The EIAH has already received 1,837 requests from all Member States. 611 of those requests received or are receiving detailed advisory support. The top countries requesting support are Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, France, Greece and Belgium. 56% of the project-specific requests come from the private sector. Financial support to SMEs and small midcaps, environment and resource efficiency, development of transport and of energy sectors are the main domains covered by the requests.

The EIAH has signed more than 29 active agreements with national promotional institutions (NPIs) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in Member States to develop their ability to support investment pipelines and to enhance local provision of assistance. Nine Funding Agreements were signed with National Promotional Banks (NPBs) since the launch of a call for proposals in December 2017 to support the development and delivery of local advisory services.

For more information:

The European Investment Project Portal: Almost 1,100 projects published

The European Investment Project Portal (EIPP) was established by the Commission to provide greater transparency about EU investment opportunities. The EIPP is the EU's online matchmaking portal, connecting EU project promoters to investors worldwide. The EIPP went live on 1 June 2016 and offers EU-based project promoters a convenient way to boost the visibility of their investment projects and attract investors worldwide.

The EIPP features currently around 1,070 investment projects from all EU Member States (projects from the UK have been removed as of 31/12/2020), covering all sectors of the EU economy. A number of the projects have already received financing after publication on the EIPP. Most of the projects come from the knowledge and digital economy sector followed by financing for SMEs and midcaps, and the social sector. The total investment proposed amounts to €62 billion. The top countries where the published projects come from are Spain, Germany, Italy and France. As of July 2020, the EIPP is publishing projects that are awarded with a dedicated ‘COVID-19 Response Seal of Excellence’ by the Commission’s Research and Innovation DG. Recently, also a “Green deal” tag is assigned to new projects in this area.

In the first quarter of 2021, when the “InvestEU” Regulation has entered into force, the EIPP will become the “InvestEU Portal”, with new features.

For more information:

Recent press releases on EFSI

About the #InvestEU Newsletter: This newsletter establishes a regular flow of information between the European Commission, the European Investment Bank Group and the EU institutions, highlighting the main results of the Investment Plan for Europe and developments concerning the InvestEU Regulation. The #InvestEU newsletter is issued about every two months, after the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Investment Fund (EIF) Board meetings, with a view to enhancing scrutiny and transparency.

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