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More than 500 investment opportunities have been published on the European Investment Project Portal (EIPP). What else is new on the EIPP?
EIPP success stories

Three outstanding projects published on the European Investment Project Portal (EIPP) have been selected to be promoted by the European Commission. Take a look at the examples of companies whose projects received financing after being published on the EIPP.

EIPP Matchmaking Events
EIPP matchmaking events
The EIPP now complements the free service offered by the online platform with the organisation of regular matchmaking events, replicating the EIPP in real life by bringing together EU-based project promoters and investors around the same table. Several EIPP matchmaking events have been organised during 2018, to increase the EIPP´s outreach to investors, namely in Estonia, Slovenia, Bulgaria and Luxembourg – with more to come in 2019.
EIPP matchmaking @TEN-T Days

The Ten-T Days 2018, organised by the European Commission (DG MOVE), invited key stakeholders to Ljubljana to discuss how to contribute to smart, sustainable and safe mobility, relying on the trans-European transport network and investments in transport connectivity. On 25 April 2018, the EIPP organised matchmaking sessions in cooperation with DG MOVE at this great event for the transport sector. 50 bilateral matchmaking meetings were held throughout the two days of the event. Project promoters in the transport sector met with various investors to discuss and exchange.

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Date 25/04/2018 - 27/04/2018
Venue Ljubljana, Slovenia
EIPP matchmaking @EBAN Annual Congress

The EBAN Annual Congress is one of Europe’s largest and most international business angel events held annually by EBAN in cooperation with its key members. After 18 successful editions of the event, the last of which took place in 2017 in Malaga, this year’s edition of the event was held in Sofia, Bulgaria.

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Date 25/06/2018 - 26/06/2018
Venue Sofia, Bulgaria
EIPP matchmaking @EBAN Winter Summit

The EBAN Winter Summit is the leading European initiative which highlights the most impactful best practices, presents and debates the most relevant topics in the early stage investment sector and gathers a community highly committed to investing in European startups. The EIPP organised matchmaking meetings in partnership with the European Business Angels Network (EBAN). European startups and Business Angels met bilaterally to discuss investment and networking opportunities Over 200 participants and 300 bilateral matchmaking meetings were held over this two-day event.

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Date 22/10/2018 - 23/10/2018
Venue Luxembourg
EIPP matchmaking @SME Assembly 2018

SMEs and investors from across Europe gathered in Graz to participate in another European Investment Project Portal matchmaking event on 20 November 2018. The EIPP matchmaking event was organised by the European Commission as part of the SME Assembly 2018, the most significant event for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Europe, taking place once a year during the European SME Week.

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Date 19/11/2018 - 21/11/2018
Venue Graz, Austria
Vice-President Katainen's welcome address to the EIPP Matchmaking event @SME Assembly 2018

If you missed the EIPP matchmaking event @SME Assembly 2018, check out the video speech by European Commission Vice-President for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness, Jyrki Katainen.

ePitching session following EIPP and Bpifrance/EuroQuity partnership

As a part of EIPP’s collaboration with Bpifrance and their portal EuroQuity, one e-pitching event took place on 4 July 2018. It was the first event resulting from the partnership between the two complementary European investment networks: the EIPP and EuroQuity. Participating companies were selected in collaboration by EuroQuity and EIPP teams. The event was a great opportunity from investors to discover from their office several high-potential profiles available on both platforms.

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Date 04/07/2018
EIPP at the Web Summit in Lisbon

For the second time, the EIPP joined the #InvestEU team from the European Commission (EC) at this year's Web Summit. The Web Summit is one of the largest global technology conferences with over 70,000 people attending. Commissioners Vestager, Kind and Moedas were speakers at this year's edition. We received thousands of visitors at EC's #InvestEU stand, where we were able to offer information and answer questions about the many financing, support and networking opportunities offered by the EU to its citizens, including by the EIPP.

Date 05/11/2018 - 08/11/2018
Venue Lisbon, Portugal
EIPP at EIAH Roadshow in Dublin

In 2018, the EIPP continued to take part in several roadshow events organised by its sister initiative under the Investment Plan for Europe, the European Investment Advisory Hub (EIAH). The roadshows help to make the European Union´s advisory and project financing services better known, and are a good occasion to meet project promoters, investors, business organisations, the press and other multipliers.

After similar events organised in Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania and Slovakia in 2018, on 8 November, the EIAH roadshow stopped in Dublin, Ireland. The seminar had a specific focus on energy efficiency and showed ways on how to structure projects in this area. EIPP projects were demonstrated and discussed. Other such events are planned for 2019.

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Date 08/11/2018
Venue Dublin, Ireland
EuroQuity Pitching session, in partnership with Access4SMEs, EIPP and TAFTIE

The Innovative Enterprise Conference took place at the Austria Centre Vienna on the on the 21st and 22nd of November. EuroQuity in partnership with Access4SMEs, EIPP and TAFTIE organized a pitching session with 20 of the best companies awarded with the Seal of Excellence.

The Elevator Pitch:  a pitch session was organized through EuroQuity, with 20 of the best companies awarded with the Seal of Excellence. The Innovators had the opportunity to present their successful ideas to a selected audience of experts in the room and via live streaming online. Finally, an open deal session took place, with 8 outstanding scale-up companies presenting their projects.

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Date 22/11/2018
Venue Vienna, Austria
The European Investment Project Portal (EIPP) is a web portal enabling EU-based project promoters to reach potential investors worldwide.

Related links

Investment Plan for Europe
European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI)
European Investment Advisory Hub (EIAH)


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