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Annual Report

In June 2022, the EBA published its 2021 Annual Report. The report summarises the EBA’s main achievements and key publications in 2021. On the AML/CFT side, it focusses on the building of the infrastructure in the EU to lead, coordinate and monitor AML/CFT supervision.

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date:  02/09/2022


The report also indicates the EBA’s priorities for 2022, where fighting money laundering and terrorist financing remains high in the agenda with the launch of the EU’s first, central AML/CFT database named EuReCA in early 2022. Through its database the EBA now collects, structures, analyses and shares information from national authorities on AML/CFT weaknesses. The EBA will use that information proactively to ensure that ML/TF risks are addressed by competent authorities and financial institutions in a timely and effective manner. 

Fernando Pires, Raphaelle Stremsdoerfer and Joana Neto from the EBA AML Unit are featured in the 2021 Annual Report  with an interview on the establishment of EuReCA
Fernando Pires, Raphaelle Stremsdoerfer and Joana Neto from the EBA AML Unit are featured in the 2021 Annual Report  with an interview on the establishment of EuReCA


Amongst the 2022 priorities is also the EBA’s contribution to shape the future EU AML/CFT landscape and, in particular, to the establishment of the EU’s new AML/CFT authority (AMLA).