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Training for AML/CFT supervisors of the life insurance sector

In April 2022, we provided AML/CFT training to more than 100 supervisors responsible for the supervision of the life insurance sector in the EU. Mr. Patrick Hoedjes, Head of the Oversight Department at EIOPA and a member of the EBA’s AML/CFT Standing Committee, opened the session and provided an introductory speech.

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date:  02/09/2022

This was followed by various presentations from AML/CFT experts on the main ML/TF risks to which the life insurance sector is exposed and the measures that obliged entities in this sector should put in place to mitigate these risks. We also addressed some of the main weaknesses that are most frequently identified in the AML/CFT policies, systems and controls of life insurance undertakings. The session ended with some interactive case studies to provide the participants with a more practical approach when addressing these weaknesses.