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Best wishes for a joyous year-end season

We’d like to thank you for your interest in our work and wish you and your dear ones a joyous end of the year and a great beginning of 2023.

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New Standing Committee for AML/CFT

The EBA set up a new Standing Committee on AML/ CFT (AMLSC). The AMLSC is a permanent internal committee and brings together senior representatives from 58 AML/ CFT competent authorities across all financial services sectors. The AMLSC’s main objective is to coordinate measures to prevent and counter the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering and terrorist financing, and to prepare, in the context of Directive 2015/849/EU (AML Directive) and Regulation 2015/847/EU (Wire Transfer Regulation), all draft decisions to be taken by the EBA’s Board of Supervisors.