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The EBA Risk‐Based Supervision Guidelines have been translated into all EU languages

In December 2023, we published new Guidelines for AML/CFT supervisors of CASPs. These Guidelines extend the Risk‐Based Supervision Guidelines to set clear expectations of the steps supervisors should take to identify and manage ML/TF risks in this sector and are an important step forward in the EU’s fight against financial crime. The Guidelines have now been translated into all official EU languages. You can find them at this link.

date:  30/04/2024

The two-month notification deadline for competent authorities to confirm their intention to comply or not comply with the EBA Guidelines begins once all translations have been published. Accordingly, the deadline for competent authorities to notify the EBA of their intention is 13 May 2024.

Compliance notifications are public and can be accessed on the EBA’s website.

Related EBA AML/CFT Newsletter

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