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Interview with Ignacio Atal, Coordinator for collaborative inquiry in the Hub

date:  19/06/2024

What is your role on the European Digital Education Hub?  

I am part of the Collaborative Inquiry team. My role is to coordinate and facilitate sessions dedicated to Collaborative Inquiry every month. These sessions offer an opportunity for Hub members to meet, collaborate and exchange knowledge with other educators from across Europe about the challenges of digital education. 

What is your experience in digital education? 

As a researcher at Université Paris Cité, Learning Planet Institute, France, I've been developing and experimenting frameworks and on-line platforms for teachers' professional development. With the Covid-19 pandemic, most of these activities started happening on-line, and I started researching the role of digitalisation in teachers' professional development. I am also part of the ethics committee for data in education from the French Education Ministry, where I have been working on the ethical issues of the use of digital tools and artificial intelligence for the evaluation of students, among other topics. 

Which topic on digital education are you most invested in?  

My two main topics regarding digital education are teachers' professional development (How can digital tools be used to scale teachers' communities of practice? How can teachers collectively address the challenges of digital education?) and the ethical challenges of the use of digital tools for education (equity of access, students' and teachers' autonomy, algorithmic biases, ...).  

What is your vision for the Hub? 

Digital educators (teachers, school staff, policy makers, etc) need to work together in order to find creative solutions to the unforeseen challenges of tomorrow. Collective intelligence is needed to address the challenges of artificial intelligence in education, as well as the challenges to design a sustainable educational system. The Hub could and should become the place to support such a collective intelligence. 

Tell us your biggest highlight working on the Hub so far. 

My journey in the Hub has been full of incredible encounters with educators from all over Europe (and abroad) finding amazing solutions to their digital education challenges. My biggest highlight is to come, during our upcoming Collaborative Inquiry Days happening once a month in the Collaborative Inquiry channel! Hope to see all of you there!