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Webinar - My Digital Menu for the Next Academic Year: to keep it balanced and well chosen

date:  10/07/2024

When? July 10, 12:00-13:00 (CET) 

The aim of the event is to reflect on the knowledge developed and the lessons learnt in the field of digital education during the academic year and to put down the take-aways for the next academic year to ensure that digital technologies in education are applied in a balanced way, and that they are well chosen. 

We will use several formats during the event to co-create the knowledge maps and reflect upon: 

  • my digital well-being  at the end of the academic year; 

  • my compass for choosing digital technologies for next year. 

The leader of the session is Prof. Ana Balula (University of Aveiro) together with the activity facilitators Sandra Vasconcelos and Ana Rita Costa. 

All Hub members are welcome. The event will cater for different sectors (schools, adult learning, HE and VET), inviting teachers, academics, professionals, experts, lifelong learners, students and digital change makers to reflect on the knowledge they gained and the lessons they learnt this year as to ensure proper balance and well-being in digital education.