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Interview with Carlos Madrid Gari, Research Associate, Communication Officer & KBA support

date:  20/02/2024


What is your role on the European Digital Education Hub?  

I am part of the Knowledge Building Activities Team. My role is to support the monthly innovative events that are organised to discover and debate which are the current and future challenges of the digital transformation of education. 

What is your experience in digital education?  

I have been involved in digital education as a Research Associate and Communication Officer through EDEN Digital Learning Europe and Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. It is a very interesting field that is connected with the day to day lives of the people, education is and will be always a key component to the development of the citizen and digital education is a very useful concept to create a better future. 

Which topic on digital education are you most invested in?  

I am really interested in Sustainability, it’s a key and practical term that can be linked to every topic in digital education. It can help us to understand how to adapt and balance digital transformation. 

What is your vision for the Hub?  

The Hub is a Community of Practice that has a huge potential to envision the future of digital education. It is a place that brings us all together to discuss and share our knowledge, ideas and think about how we can create the future of education. This first two years have proven that the Hub is the place to be! 

Tell us your biggest highlight working on the Hub so far.  

My biggest highlights would be to be able to share this journey with all my colleagues from the Hub’s consortium and seeing how the community keeps on welcoming new members that will help us build the future of education.