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Spotlight on: Configurations of notifications and the new MS Teams updates

date:  18/12/2023

1. How can you change the settings for the notifications in MS Teams and is there a difference in devices and between channels and mentions vs. replies? 
There is a variety of options how one can configurate the MS Teams settings. 
  • Desktop App: 
  • Click on your profile picture in the top right. 
  • Select "Settings." 
  • Navigate to "Notifications" to customise your preferences. 
  • Mobile App: 
  • Tap on the hamburger menu (three horizontal lines). 
  • Go to "Settings" and select "Notifications." 
Moreover, you can change regarding single channels and also between mentions and replies. Lastly, the notifications for meeting reminders can be also changed: 
  • Channel-Specific: 
  • Right-click on a channel, choose "Channel notifications." 
  • Select your preferred notification settings for that specific channel. 
  • Mentions and Replies: 
  • Click on your profile picture, go to "Settings," then "Privacy." 
  • Adjust settings for mentions and replies under "Who can contact me." 
  • Meeting Reminders: 
  • Adjust meeting reminder settings in the calendar app associated with MS Teams. 
Remember to save changes after configuring to apply the new notification settings. 
2. What notification settings are ideal for mentions and replies to ensure that one is promptly alerted to messages specifically directed at them? 
Users may want immediate notifications for messages where they are directly mentioned or replied to, so configuring these settings effectively is key. To ensure prompt alerts for mentions and replies in MS Teams, consider the following ideal notification settings: 
  • Desktop App: 
  • Go to your profile picture, select "Settings," and navigate to "Notifications." 
  • Ensure that "Banner" or "Banner and email" is selected under "Mentions" and "Replies" for immediate visual and email notifications. 
  • Mobile App: 
  • Access "Settings" from the hamburger menu. 
  • In "Notifications," choose "All activity" or a similar option for mentions and replies. 
  • Customization:  
  • Adjust notification settings based on personal preferences, balancing timely alerts without causing notification overload. 
These settings ensure that you receive immediate and noticeable notifications for messages specifically directed at them in MS Teams.3. Anything else to mention regarding the settings in MS teams? 
Of course! There is much more we would like to pick up in this section in the upcoming months but in this newsletter edition we want to focus on the notifications and share with you the one pager we prepared with the most important info  on the latest MS teams update! Have a look here.