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DigiEduHack 2023 celebrates 8 days of hacking with the Main Stage event in Madrid

date:  24/11/2023

The fourth edition of the Digital Education Hackathon closed on 13 November after eight exciting days of grassroot hackathons across the EU and the globe. For 24 hours, education and training stakeholders (schools, universities, NGOs, innovation centres, research labs and the private sector) had the opportunity to foster their innovativeness and creativity and develop solutions around the annual theme 'Putting people at the centre of digital education'.   

The Main Stage event was co-hosted by the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU and attended by more than 60 people, gaining additional 750 views online. The audience in the room included representatives of the educational authorities of the autonomous regions and cities, digital education and hackathon experts and enthusiasts, hackathon hosts from Spain, young people and others. The agenda opened by a recap video of the Digital Education Hackathon days, showcasing key highlights from some of the local events that took place in the EU and globally. The full recording from the event is available here: Event - DigiEduHack 2023. 

After the hackathon days, four winners will be selected by public online vote among twelve finalists. They will receive the Digital Education Hackathon Global Awards in spring 2024. The winners in the category “experienced” will have the opportunity to receive support and apply for the next Hub Accelerator programme. 

 So, stay tuned when we announce the finalists and take part in the public voting that will follow!