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Join our squads – apply now!

date:  24/11/2023

Two calls for squad participants have recently been launched. Both will run from February to August 2024 – find more info and the link to the calls below!

Squad 9 - Hybrid Learning Spaces: Explore the intersection of physical and digital learning environments. Dive into understanding learner experiences, designing effective hybrid spaces, and uncovering inspiring practices for collaboration and multimedia use. If you are an educator, trainer, or professional engaged in digital education, keen on the synergy of physical and digital learning spaces, this is your call to action! Call available here.

Squad 10 - Safety and Security in Digital Education: Focus on the crucial aspects of ensuring a safe and secure digital learning environment. Contribute to creating guidelines, identifying challenges, and exploring innovative solutions for the safety and security of digital platforms used in education. Call available here.

Read the calls, spread them to your peers and apply no later than December 15.