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Interview with Virginia van der Ster, Squad Leader for the squad on diversity, equity and inclusion

date:  23/10/2023


What is your role on the European Digital Education Hub?  

I am the leader of squad 8 on diversity, equity and inclusion, and squad member of squad 7 on sustainability. 

What is your experience in digital education?  

Since June 2022, I have been engaged in my role at the National Agency Erasmus+ as a Policy Advisor and Coordinator for the horizontal priority of Digitalization. Within this role I am responsible for developing and implementing a cross-sector digitalisation policy and supporting practices within the framework of the Erasmus+ program. 

Before starting at the National Agency, I worked in Higher Education for 16 years as a policy officer Global Engagement. During this time, I had the privilege of overseeing numerous projects that centered around digitalization, such as Internationalization@home, Blended Mobility, Virtual International Cooperation, and Erasmus without Paper. These experiences allowed me to gain a multilayered perspective on digital education, offering insights into different facets and dimensions of this ever-evolving field. 

Which topic on digital education are you most invested in?  

When looking at digital education from a cross-sectoral perspective, several interesting topics come to mind. One in particular is the intersection of digital education with the other priorities of the Erasmus+ program, i.e., what impact does technology have on sustainability and civic engagement? 

However most fascinating I find the correlation between digital education and inclusion, and that strongly resonates with the aims of squad 8. Digitalisation has the potential to enrich education, however it also introduces tensions in certain areas: Does everyone have equal access to digital education? What happens to our identity when we are online? Can we ensure the well-being of our digital educators?  

I find it important to look at the social dimension of digitalisation. When you consider the needs of your target group and think of the human factor as an engine in digital transformation, then you can work towards equal opportunities. Thankfully, I have seen some great Erasmus+ projects (in all educational fields) that have taken the human factor into account and gotten some great results! 

Finally, when drawing from my background in higher education and global engagement, I firmly believe that digitalization holds the potential to significantly enhance an institution's internationalization strategy. It unlocks opportunities for broader collaboration with global partners while simultaneously providing a platform to tailor international experiences to the unique needs and circumstances of lecturers, staff, and students. 

What is your vision for the Hub?  

The Hub started in the same month as I started at the National Agency Erasmus+, so I have been part of this initiative since its inception. I envision the Hub as a powerful community for cross-sectoral cooperation. The Hub serves as a central meeting point for all digital education enthusiasts in Europe, creating a vibrant ecosystem where ideas can be freely exchanged, and where best practices can easily be shared.  

Furthermore, I think aligning the goals and objectives of the Hub with broader strategic frameworks like the Erasmus+ program and the Digital Education Action Plan is essential. This alignment will ensure that the efforts put into the Hub are corresponding with the overarching educational policies and initiatives at European level. This way, the impact of the Hub can be maximized and a comprehensive strategy for advancing digital education throughout Europe can be created. 

Tell us your biggest highlight working on the Hub so far.  

My first meeting with the squad I am leading! I am lucky to meet such a devoted group of squad members that are excited to create output on the topic of diversity, equity, and inclusion.