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New Call for best practices – Digital skills

date:  20/09/2023

Once again, we are looking to collect and share best practices in digital education from across all education and training sectors, thus making the Hub a community where members can share and learn from each other. So, help us share your stories by taking part in the most recent Call for best practices! This Call is dedicated to collecting best practices on digital skills – if you have developed and implemented innovative, successful initiatives in this area, fill in the brief questionnaire and we will get back to you so we can share your experience with the community in the Reading Corner and beyond.

This call is open until 10 October 2023. If you'd like to see more about what we've done so far, check out our Reading Corner! And…if you can think of someone else who could contribute, invite them to register in the Hub and discover what it has to offer. Let's build together on shared experiences!