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The new courses are centred on topics we all face in our daily lives.

date:  28/10/2022


The new courses are centred on topics we all face in our daily lives: noise pollution, the media, and depopulation of towns and villages. This means students can start using what they learn.

The new B1 module, “Inform and be informed”, is structured around a short article about a newsworthy event. Students will be challenged to understand it and learn vocabulary for different sections of a newspaper. It is currently available in French  (Je m’informe et j’informe), Italian (Io mi informo e informo), and Spanish (Me informo e informo a los demás).

The second B1 module, “It’s too noisy!”, deals with the all-too-common nuisance of noise pollution in cities. Students will learn vocabulary and phrases to help face it where they live, for example by writing a letter to inconsiderate neighbours in their building. This is also available for students of French (Il y a trop de bruit!) and Spanish (¡Hay mucho ruido!).

The French B2 module, “Venez vivre dans mon village” (Come and live in my village) is centred on the theme of an initiative to draw young people and businesses to the countryside. It’s also available in Spanish “¡Venid a vivir a mi pueblo!”, and coming soon in English, Italian, and German.