Read the online version | ISSN 2812-0876
  June 2024  
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How to best enhance language skills among young Europeans? Answer our survey

Learning a language is a fundamental and enriching aspect of personal development. According to the Council Recommendation on key competencies for lifelong learning, multilingualism is one of the eight competencies required for social inclusion, employability, a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, and personal fulfilment.

Share your thoughts on language learning and teaching by completing our short survey before 7 July 2024.

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In focus

Wellbeing and resilience

In this month’s articles, we learn about various factors that affect wellbeing in schools.

For example, feeling safe at school can significantly improve pupils’ personal wellbeing and learning outcomes, which is also highlighted by recent guidelines by the European Commission. Close home-school collaboration is also important to develop pupil self-esteem and strengths, especially for children in migrant families or children with special educational needs. Sport also plays a role in wellbeing by helping to reduces stress and anxiety and promote social inclusion.

To be able to support learners, caring for teachers’ wellbeing is crucial, as highlighted in this month’s expert article by Anastassios Matsopoulos (University of Crete). It’s also important to consider children’s digital wellbeing , but by fostering positive engagement and inclusion, pupils can feel empowered and safe in online environments. Find more examples of projects on emotional resilience and wellbeing in our practice article and learn about the power of creativity in learning for mental health in our tutorial.

Also, watch an interview with Arniika Kuusisto (University of Helsinki) on the development of worldview, values and resilience in early childhood, and recent webinar recordings on preventing cyberbullying, promoting outdoor education, and wellbeing for improved learning outcomes.


Latest content

Want to learn more about wellbeing and resilience?

Explore the latest content published in May

Courses and webinars

Have a look at our professional development offer

Unless otherwise indicated, the professional development activities are only available in English.

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Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec convallis non turpis quis feugiat. Mauris sit amet fermentum ligula. In at ex orci. Sed quam tellus, scelerisque in libero vel, elementum dignissim erat.

Phasellus convallis dolor eu nulla pulvinar suscipit. Sed vitae commodo nisi. Integer condimentum nisl vitae urna fermentum feugiat.

Curabitur nisl ex, laoreet eu vehicula vitae, hendrerit eu nisi. Morbi gravida, arcu in tristique imperdiet, lorem nibh feugiat risus, a tempus felis metus sit amet ante. Proin vehicula mauris porta metus elementum, eget aliquam enim accumsan.

Ut fringilla porta pellentesque. Integer metus ante, hendrerit ut facilisis sed, gravida quis nulla. Maecenas consectetur nibh luctus, sodales ipsum eget, iaculis mi. Quisque dolor augue, blandit nec egestas non, suscipit eget metus. Curabitur a posuere nisi, eu consectetur neque.

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ISSN: 2812-0876