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European Digital Education Hub


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In this edition

From, in and about the Hub

Dear Hub members,

Spring is approaching and the Hub is flourishing with lots of upcoming activities, new calls to action and published articles. We like to point on the highlights of this edition and leave it up to you to explore the single items: 

📅 Upcoming activities and events:  

  • AI Act was approved by the European Parliament on March 13. The Hub offers an overview article and an AI live session on March 26 with AI expert Lidija Kralj. 

  • On April 24 we offer a webinar on Micro-credentialing Readiness: Conditions for Maturity and Impact, register here. 

  • The Review of the Digital Education Action Plan is kicking-off: Follow the livestreamed event on April 29. 

📢 Open Calls: 


Stay engaged, stay inspired, and see you around in the Hub!  

Upcoming events

AI Act: live session on March 26

On March 13, the AI Act was formally approved by the European Parliament. If you want to know more about this, the following event and article provide the key information on the AI Act: 

  • On Tuesday March 26, 15:00-16:00 CET, there will be an AI Act live session on the Hub, with AI expert Lidija Kralj. Join us live in the General channel of the Hub and get ready to ask questions about it. 

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date 26/03/2024
venue General Channel

Knowledge Building Activity: Micro-credentialing Readiness: Conditions for Maturity and Impact

The aim of the event is to discuss the building movement of micro-credentialing in education, training and labour, linked with the European Approach to Micro-credentials for Lifelong Learning and Employability. The focus will be placed on institutional readiness and conditions for reaching maturity and impact. The goal is to contribute to a European level conversation examining the conditions an

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date 24/04/2024
venue Knowledge Building Channel

A new channel for “Collaborative Inquiry”

The former “Teachers as Researchers" channel evolved: its time for Collaborative Inquiry! 

Join our upcoming events in the Collaborative Inquiry channel to meet other Hub members, share experiences about digital education challenges you face, and engage in a collaborative inquiry process to address them. 

Add to your calendar the sessions of the April’s “Collaborative Inquiry week

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date 24/04/2024 - 26/04/2024
venue Collaborative Inquiry Channel

The Digital Education Action Plan in Review – Follow the event live on April 29


The Digital Education Action Plan is the European Commission’s flagship strategy for high-quality, inclusive, and accessible digital education and training. 2024 marks its mid-point of implementation and the start of a comprehensive review. The Hub is a key initiative of the Action Plan, and its Community of Practice will be represented during the event by Paul den Hertogh, squad leader for m

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date 29/04/2024
venue Brussels (Hybrid) - livestreamed online

Call to action

Accelerator Programme

Do you want to bring your digital education solution to Europe, challenge it in different education contexts and ultimately grow your innovation? In that case, apply now for the Accelerator Programme of the Hub! 

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NEW CALL FOR INSPIRING PRACTICES – Diversity and inclusion in digital education and Digital citizenship education

Reaching out to the Community: we are looking to collect and share inspiring practices in digital education from across all education sectors. We have launched a new Call for inspiring practices, focused on two topic

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Join the Hub's mentorship programme

The Hub offers the opportunity to participate in a digital education mentorship, specifically focused on your personal area of interest, goals or actions. Mentorships are organised in 3 sessions of 2 hours each. Ment

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Sign up for an online clinic on digital education

During an online clinic meeting, Hub members can discuss with a high-level European expert about the challenges they or their organisation are facing. The expert will provide tailormade guidance on topics like: 

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Articles, Publications & Debates

Second “Digital Debate” - what's your opinion?

The debate on digital education continues. The second article in the series is MOOCs: a huge success or a failure? It deals with the topic of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Have a look at the arguments and let us know what you think. Please comment on this post, and do not hesitate to tag colleagues who might have an interest in the topic. 

Research insights: "On hybrid learning spaces and more"

Educational landscapes are rapidly evolving towards hybrid learning environments that integrate physical classroom instruction with digital resources, a shift significantly influenced by the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. This approach not only addresses immediate educational needs but also offers a fertile ground for growth and innovation in learning methodologies. The adoption of hybrid models across different sectors, including education, public services, and community engagement, highlights the importance of flexibility and inclusivity in modern educational designs, ultimately aiming for a more personalised, engaging, and accessible learning experience. 

Read the latest research insights on hybrid learning spaces in the Reading corner. 

Inspiring practice from the Community: The Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial Competences Assessment Alliance (EICAA)

The Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial Competences Assessment Alliance (EICAA) targets the higher education and corporate training sector to foster entrepreneurial thinking and action among university educators, enterprise coaches, students, and corporate employees. Its main goal is to create a digital platform for assessing and developing entrepreneurial competences, refine the European Entrepreneurship Competence Framework (EntreComp), and provide relevant teaching and training materials.  

Discover more about the latest inspiring practice from the Hub community in the Reading corner. 

Inspiring practice on hybrid learning spaces: "LEARNING BUBBLES” project

The "LEARNING BUBBLES" project was designed to innovate secondary education through advanced learning technologies, especially targeting vulnerable students amid challenges presented by the Covid-19 pandemic. The initiative focused on creating hybrid learning environments blending digital tools with physical spaces like community gardens, leading to more accessible and equitable education. Students enhanced their learning using augmented reality, photo and video projects with on-site experimentation in an innovative approach, demonstrating a scalable model for inclusive, hybrid education across various educational contexts and countries. 

Find out more about it in the Reading Corner, here. 

Hub Highlights

International Day for Digital Learning

March 19 is the International Day for Digital Learning, a UNESCO initiative that was celebrated this year for the very first time.  

Two weeks ago, we asked you – the Hub community members – about your experiences with digital education. More than 100 of you responded to the poll about what you have done during the last year. The most popular activity was Participated in virtual workshops

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Behind the scenes – Meet the team

Interview with Michal Rybar, Leader of the Hub’s Safety and Security Squad


What is your role on the European Digital Education Hub?  

I am currently a squad leader for the safety and security squad. That means I am responsible for managing the content of the online meetings. It is a great privilege to lead such a great group of talented people towards a common goal. 

What is your experience in digital education?  

I am connected to digital education for

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New to the Hub?

Join our onboarding calls

If you are new to the community of the European Digital Education Hub and want to learn about us, our goals, what to do next and how, then you are more than welcome to join the onboarding calls in the next months. 

Join us in the Support channel or join via the direct link on the date. We will inform about the new dates in the upcoming months in the Hub Calendar. 

Looking forward to seeing you there.  

If you do not have the time to join the call, but still need some more information about how the Hub works, you will also find useful information in the Hub Instruction Manual. 

Need help?

Get support

In case you are experiencing technical difficulties please consult the information provided in the Support channel. Here you can find the Support Wiki. 

In case the provided documents do not address your specific technical issue please explain the difficulties you are experiencing in the channel (if possible, please add screenshots). 

If you are experiencing issues accessing the Hub on MS Teams, please send an email to We can help you best if you explain the issue in detail and provide screenshots. 

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Catalogue Number: EC-AS-24-03-EN-Q