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European Digital Education Hub


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In this edition

From, in and about the Hub

Dear Hub members,

As February is a shorter month, our newsletter edition will be concise but packed with inspiration and opportunities to get involved. Get ready to dive into a world of collaboration with our monthly theme of Security and safety in learning environments in February. The Hub will host webinars and workshops aligned with the monthly theme (check event section below) but will also see the roll out of a new format: the digital debates. The first debate on using a screen or pen & paper just started. Embrace the opportunity to engage in respectful dialogue and gain fresh perspectives.  

We are thrilled to announce the launch of a dynamic speed squaddedicated to work on immersive learning. Starting in March and running for two months only, the call for participants is still open until February 25. 

But wait, there is more! We are once more putting the power in your hands with a public voting on the 11 finalists of the DigiEduHack 2023 edition – select the most innovative project to be one of four DigiEduHack Global Award winners. Your voice matters so don't miss out on this opportunity to shape the future of digital education. 

Stay tuned for updates, inspiration, and opportunities to get involved!  

Articles, Publications & Debates

Introducing “Digital Debates”

There are many debatable topics in digital education, and the Hub is an excellent forum for debating these issues. This is why we are now introducing the “digital debates. In this new format we present an article, which serves as a basis for a written debate. You will have the opportunity to have your say on a specific aspect of digital education that will be introduced each time through a short article posted in the Hub.    

In this first article, we present you some views on using a screen or a pen & paper in the classroom. Which side are you on? What do you think about the arguments? Please comment on this post, and do not hesitate to tag colleagues who might have an interest in the topic. 

Virtual Flames, Real Skills

A profession where digital training is exceptionally difficult is that of firefighters. However, the fact that it is difficult does not mean that it is impossible. In this article we look at how today’s technology can help firefighters simulate their job in a Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR) setting. 

Call to action

Speed Squad: Immersive Learning

The Hub is opening a call for participation in an online working group (squad) focusing on immersive learning. Professionals in education and training from various sectors who are interested in this subject are invit

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Join the Hub's mentorship programme

The Hub offers the opportunity to participate in a digital education mentorship, specifically focused on your personal area of interest, goals or actions. Mentorships are organised in 3 sessions of 2 hours each. Ment

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Sign up for an online clinic on digital education

During an online clinic meeting, Hub members can discuss with a high-level European expert about the challenges they or their organisation are facing. The expert will provide tailormade guidance on topics like: 

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Vote for DigiEduHack 2023 Winners


The voting period for DigiEduHack 2023 has officially begun! It is your time to make your voice heard and actively participate in shaping the future of digital education. Check the finalist solutions here, click the

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Upcoming events

Teachers as Researchers Workshops series

When? March 4-6  

Tackle your Digital Education challenges and join our Teachers as Researchers Workshop series on the Teachers a

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Knowledge Building Activity: Beyond the Virtual Learning Environments – Looking at Learning Platforms in a Post-Pandemic World

When? March 21, 14.00-15.00 (CET)  

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Deal with the digital: useful tips for MS Teams

Spotlight on: Hub Homepage & Hub events calendar

1. Hub homepage 

Did you know that there is a homepage for you to explore everything the Hub has to offer? You can reach it via a tab in the General channel of the Hub. On the homepage, you can access general information about the Hub and its different channels, see the current calls to action s

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Hub Highlights

Accelerator: 7 graduates from the 2023 cohort

The 2nd accelerator programme supported 7 digital education solutions to be further developed, tested and scaled across Europe. The programme started in June 2023 and consisted of weekly coaching calls, mentoring from experts in business and education, testing of each solution in at least 2 different environments and showcasing the programme and selected solutions in 8 international events. The s

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Behind the scenes – Meet the team

Interview with Carlos Madrid Gari, Research Associate, Communication Officer & KBA support


What is your role on the European Digital Education Hub?  

I am part of the Knowledge Building Activities Team. My role is to support the monthly innovative events that are organised to discover and debate which are the current and future challenges of the digital transformation of education. 

What is your experience in digital education?  

I have been involved in digital educatio

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New to the Hub?

Join our onboarding calls

If you are new to the community of the European Digital Education Hub and want to learn about us, our goals, what to do next and how, then you are more than welcome to join the upcoming onboarding calls. Join us in the Support channel or join via the direct link on the date. 

If you do not have the time to join the call, but still need some more information about how the Hub works, you will also find useful information in the Hub Instruction Manual or post your question in the Support channel.

Need help?

Get support

In case you are experiencing technical difficulties please post your issue under the Support channel. For other information, you can consult our Support Wiki page. 

Are you facing a problem accessing the Hub via MS Teams? Send an email to We can help you best if you explain the issue in detail and provide screenshots. 

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Catalogue Number: EC-AS-24-02-EN-Q