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Interview with Lavinia Hoesch, Event Manager

date:  24/05/2024


What is your role on the European Digital Education Hub? 
I am working as an Event Manager at the Hub. Within this role, I am responsible for the organisation of the community workshops.  

What is your experience in digital education? 
In addition to my role at the Hub, I work for the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung and organise the hybrid University:Future Festival. The aim here is to facilitate and drive forward the discourse in the German higher education landscape. I really enjoy using educational events to create a platform where all relevant stakeholders can come together and exchange ideas. 

Which topic on digital education are you most invested in?  
For me, the look ahead is particularly interesting. To see how the education sector will develop, and which aspects will be important in the future. In this sense, topics such as sustainability and the use of AI in teaching and learning are very important to me. 

What is your vision for the Hub?  
My vision for the Hub is to connect people from all over Europe so that they can work together and learn from each other.   

Tell us your biggest highlight working on the Hub so far. 
One of my biggest highlights was our last community workshop in Paris. It was great to see how the participants worked together in a collaborative setting on important topics, such as sustainability in education, and developed concrete solutions.  

If you are interested in the community workshops, check out the call for participants for the workshop on wellbeing in digital education in July.