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OLS has 4 hours of vocational education and training (VET) content per language, for 10 different subject areas, for levels A2-B1.

date:  28/10/2022

OLS has 4 hours of vocational education and training (VET) content per language, for 10 different subject areas, for levels A2-B1: agriculture, catering, construction, computer science, graphic design, hair and beauty services, health and social care, logistics, mechanics and electromechanics, and tourism.

Mobility participants can find these by going to the ‘learning community and resources’ page for their language and scrolling down to the search page

Clicking on the ‘Curriculum’ tab will show the drop-down menu with the list of courses. 

Each course includes: tips for learning the language, activities for communicating in the workplace, reading and comprehension exercises around the theme of a day at work, facts about the industry in Europe, and vocabulary flashcards.

A screenshot of the OLS search page showing the Curriculum filter