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OLS forums help students to immerse themselves in the history and culture of the language of their host country and make new friends.

date:  28/10/2022

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OLS forums help students to immerse themselves in the history and culture of the language of their host country and make new friends. Please share the 3-step infographic above on how to find and join the forums with your mobility participants. It will be included as an image file in the email to mobility participants. 

Each community has 3 forums:

  • “Ask the community” forum, where participants can seek advice from OLS community managers about OLS and language learning in general;
  • “Practice the language” forum, where participants can practice their language by joining discussion topics moderated by the community managers; 
  • “Living abroad” forum, a safe place for sharing cultural and learning experiences with other mobility participants.

There are plenty of discussion topics in each of the 29 OLS language learning communities. Here are a few examples:

  • Letter of introduction: Choose your superpower! – In this discussion topic on the English-language forum, community manager Lya encourages learners to write fun letters to introduce themselves;
  • Quiz: Cultura general – Bernat, the Spanish community manager, discusses questions about Hispanic culture in this discussion topic;
  • Learn Czech - Why? – in this topic led by Martin, students discuss their motivation to learn Czech.