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Council News for the Youth


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Welcome to the pilot issue of Council News for the Youth. In this monthly newsletter we will take you through the latest events in the Council, provide answers to some of the questions you might have about the EU and let you know how the Council relates to you. We want our newsletter to be genuinely yours, so please tell us what you would like to read about in future issues.
EU to become climate-neutral by 2050

At the latest EU summit in December, the leaders supported the goal to make the EU climate-neutral by 2050. They have also asked the Council to take work forward on the Commission's Green Deal.

European Council has new President: Charles Michel

Former President Donald Tusk bade us farewell and welcomed the new President on 29 November. Charles Michel started his mandate as third President of the European Council on 1 December. Find out more about the President's role.

Brexit: UK leaves EU after 47 years

"It's never a happy moment when someone leaves but we are opening a new chapter. We will devote all our energy to building a stronger, more ambitious EU." Tweet by President Charles Michel on 31 January 2020 ahead of the UK leaving the European Union.

North Macedonia and Albania to wait longer

"Please do not give up. I fully understand your frustration, because you did your share and we haven't." Former President Donald Tusk speaking after the October EU summit that failed to approve the opening of talks with North Macedonia and Albania about joining the EU.

The Council and you
Traineeships at the Council
Every year about 120 young people from all over the EU come to the Council to gain first-hand experience of the work of the General Secretariat. But work experience is not all they get while they’re here: trainees also have the chance to go on study visits – to the EU institutions in Strasbourg and Luxembourg, to the Council of Europe, and to conferences and job fairs. Read more about traineeship.

Explanation corner
The Council of the EU and the European Council: What’s the difference?

This is one of the questions most frequently asked by visitors to the Council. Click ‘More’ to find out the answer.

Worth a long read
Young people, EU citizenship and activism: perceptions from Bulgaria, Germany, Poland and Slovakia

We often hear that Brussels is ‘too far away’ from EU citizens, especially from young people. What can be done about this? This report provides an insight into the attitudes of young people from four different countries towards the EU.

This is the newsletter of the Council of the European Union.

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