Read the online version | ISSN 2600-0210

Learning Corner News

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Learning Corner: Website

In Focus - Countdown to elections

What the EU does for me

Have you ever wondered what concrete improvements the EU has made for your daily life, your community or country? The interactive tool called ‘What Europe does for me’ maps out all the many ways in which the EU has funded or organised diverse projects that make a real difference for your life and the people around you.   So what are you waiting for? Let your students explore what the EU has done for them and share it with other educators!


What's new?

Fight Disinformation in the classroom

In recent years, we have seen just how fast misleading or false information can spread online via social media and messaging platforms. This newly updated disinformation toolkit empowers secondary school teachers to instil vital online navigation skills in students. It explores the techniques employed in disinformation with three new case studies and group exercises that aim to promote critical thinking. Covering a range of current topics such as democracy, climate change, and public health it stimulates dialogue on truth discernment.


Play games

Get ready for summer with our environment board game

As Summer quickly approaches and the days get longer, our minds turn towards the outdoors and enjoying nature to its fullest. The Climate Action Board Game is a fun and easy way for kids aged nine to 12 to revise some facts related to the environment., Pupils can learn about topics ranging from insulation to wind energy and the game provides food for thought for enquiring young minds. You can download it from our site, print it and your pupils can start playing today.


For teachers

Exploring the European Citizens’ Initiative

The 'EU Democracy in Action' toolkit helps you present European topics in an engaging way, for students aged 16 and above. There are four modules, which cover how the EU functions, democratic structures, and the impactful European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI). Your pupils can participate in interactive activities that help develop critical thinking, advocacy and presentation skills.



6 - 9 June: Use your vote or others will decide for you

It may come as a surprise to many young people but up until relatively recently, many Europeans could not express themselves openly. They certainly could not vote. Europeans who lived through the Second World War or who were living in dictatorships in the 20th century could often find themselves in danger for just being different, for their beliefs, or for wanting a different life. In a new video from the European Parliament, we meet a few of these people with a special message for their grandchildren- and all Europeans- before June’s European elections. Democracy has always been fragile and one important way to protect it is to vote. In June, more than 400 million people in all EU countries have the right to vote for a new European Parliament.


Learning Corner
- Learning materials - Play games - EU Timeline
- Network with other teachers - Work and study - News and competitions

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ISSN: 2600-0210