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EU Climate Action

June 2024 issue

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Last month, in a nutshell

Welcome to the June issue of our newsletter! Here are the latest EU climate news highlights.  

This month saw the launch of substantial investments to tackle climate change. Approximately €3 billion was allocated via the EU Modernisation Fund to boost 39 energy-related projects across 10 European countries, marking the largest disbursement to date under this programme. Meanwhile, 18 European cleantech projects were selected to receive more than €170 million through the EU Innovation Fund. 

Provisional data released this month revealed that CO₂ emissions from new cars and vans registered in Europe continued to decrease in 2023. This is the result of a sustained increase in registrations of zero-emission vehicles across the EU. 

Over the first two weeks of June, climate negotiators from around the world gathered for the yearly UN climate talks in Bonn, Germany. At the conference, a team of EU representatives contributed to laying the groundwork for the upcoming COP29 summit in Baku, Azerbaijan. 

Before you go, don’t forget to submit your entry to the European Climate Pact photo competition by 1 July!

Top news

EU invests close to €3 billion of emissions trading revenues for cleaner energy systems in 10 EU countries via the Modernisation Fund

These investments will support the modernisation of energy systems, reducing emissions in the energy, industry and transport sectors, and improving energy efficiency. This is the largest disbursement to date via the Modernisation Fund, bringing the total spending to €12.65 billion since January 2021.


Innovation Fund: 18 cleantech projects to receive €173 million in EU funding

With this support, the Innovation Fund will help companies in Europe bring innovative technologies to the market in renewable energy, energy storage, and energy-intensive industries.


CO₂ emissions from new cars and vans continued to decrease in 2023

According to provisional data, average CO2 emissions of new cars and vans registered in Europe decreased in 2023. These trends are the result of the increase in registrations of battery electric vehicles, which reached market shares of 15.5% for cars and 8% for vans.


To Baku via Bonn: the UN Climate Change Conference

This year’s Bonn session follows COP28 in Dubai, where countries worked to finalise the first Global Stocktake of the Paris Agreement. Over the past 10 days, there were preliminary discussions on what was learned from the stocktaking process, how the results will be implemented and how the process can be improved.


Last chance to enter our photo competition!

If you haven’t submitted your best climate action shot yet, you have until 1 July to do so! All you need to do is capture climate action in your home, community or city, choose your favourite photo, craft a creative caption, and send them to us. Top winners will have the chance to feature in an international media campaign, and have a place in a photo exhibition in Brussels and at COP29!


Interesting reads

Fifth EU-China High Level Environment and Climate Dialogue | DG Climate Action – Click here

European regions and cities at the heart of Green Deal 2.0 | Covenant of Mayors – Click here

New finance hub to support ambitions of pioneering cities in climate mitigation and adaptation | European Commission – Click here

€75 million investment in support of groundbreaking energy-storage project | European Investment Bank – Click here

Commission kick-starts work on a new pilot mechanism to boost the hydrogen market | European Commission – Click here

Renewables take the lead in power generation in 2023 | Eurostat – Click here

Big success for European Sustainable Energy Week 2024 | DG Energy – Click here

LIFE Awards 2024 Winners: spotlight on Climate Action | European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency – Click here

Sustainable summer: Five ways to make your holiday more climate-friendly | European Climate Pact – Click here

Promoting climate justice through education | European School Education Platform – Click here

Upcoming events

EU Carbon Removal Carbon Farming Certification – Online Workshop on Peatland rewetting

This interactive dedicated workshop on Peatland rewetting, taking place on Tuesday 9 July, will dive deep into best practices and challenges in developing certification methodologies for peatland rewetting as part of carbon farming activities.


EU Day for the Global Victims of the Climate Crisis

The European Commission, Parliament, and Council have agreed to designate 15 July, the day that catastrophic floods struck Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands in July 2021, as the EU Day for the Global Victims of the Climate Crisis.

Click here for more events

Apply for funding

LIFE Calls for proposals 2024

As the EU’s flagship initiative for funding environmental and climate actions, the LIFE Programme is your opportunity to turn your ideas into reality - and if your project proposal is successful, you’ll be in for a share of the €571 million available this year. Click on "more" for submission deadlines!


Horizon Europe EU Missions: €123.97 million for projects under the Adaptation to Climate Change call

In support of the European Green Deal, the European Commission has launched a new call for project proposals to support research and innovation under the EU Mission "Adaptation to Climate Change". The deadline for submissions is 18 September 2024!


Call for tenders: EU ETS evaluation and 2026 review

The general objective of this contract is to support DG Climate Action in the evaluation of the EU Emissions Tradition System (ETS) and the Market Stability Reserve (MSR), and in the review of certain elements due in 2026.

Click here for more funding opportunities

Have your say

EU rules on land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF) – evaluation

The Commission aims to assess whether the rules are working as intended so it can draw lessons for further decision-making and identify areas of improvement in the future policy design. The feedback period ends on 11 July 2024.


F-gases – amendment of the rules for the functioning of the F-gas portal

Given that the new F-Gas Regulation includes additional and amended rules on registration requirements in the F-gas portal, it is necessary to repeal the current Implementing Regulation to ensure the portal’s correct functioning. The feedback period ends on 11 July 2024.


Emissions trading system (ETS) – permanent emissions storage through carbon capture and utilisation

This initiative, based on the revised ETS Directive, will set the conditions under which these GHG emissions can be considered as permanently chemically bound in a product. The feedback period ends on 16 July 2024.

Click here for more consultations

Social media highlights

Bonn climate talks in a nutshell | Facebook

At the beginning of June, the UNFCCC held its annual in-person meeting in Bonn, where countries discussed important climate issues ahead of #COP29, which will be held later this year in Baku. Check our post to learn more about the meeting and the EU commitment to international climate diplomacy! 🌍


Discover the benefits of cycling | LinkedIn

Biking is good for your health 💪, your wallet 💸 and the climate 🌍. That's why the 🇪🇺 has adopted the European Declaration on Cycling, which will ensure: safer cycling networks in cities, better links with public transport, secure parking spaces, more access to charging points for e-bikes! Click on "more" to see our post on the topic 👇


Discover the European Climate Pact - #MyWorldOurPlanet

Launched by the European Commission, the Pact is part of the European Green Deal and is helping the EU to meet its goal to become climate-neutral by 2050 | Check out the links below to visit the Pact website and subscribe to the Pact newsletter!

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See also European Climate Pact newsletter

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ISSN: 2811-8367