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Critical Infrastructure Blueprint for protecting EU citizens

The Council adopted a recommendation on a Blueprint to coordinate a response at EU level to disruptions to critical infrastructure with significant cross-border relevance.

Image from Pixabay

date:  26/06/2024

See alsoPress Release

The recommendation puts in place an EU Critical Infrastructure Blueprint. The objective of the Blueprint is: to promote shared situational awareness of the origin and consequences of an incident, to reinforce the coordination of public communications and to strengthen an effective response.

The Blueprint recommends several actions such as information sharing, coordination with other EU crisis and emergency mechanisms, exchanges on public communication approaches, the preparation of incident reports and technical support provided by other member states or relevant EU institutions to the affected member states.

Specifically, when the member states affected by a critical infrastructure incident with significant cross-border relevance activate this Blueprint, they are recommended to share with the rotating presidency of the Council and the European Commission relevant information on that incident.