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A new EU Defence Industrial Strategy and Programme

The Strategy sets a long-term vision to achieve EU defence industrial readiness, while the legislative proposal aims to ensure the timely availability and supply of defence products.

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date:  16/03/2024

See alsoPress Release

The European Defence Industrial Strategy

The European Commission and the High Representative presented the first-ever European Defence Industrial Strategy at EU level and proposed an ambitious set of new actions to support the competitiveness and readiness of its defence industry. The European Defence Industrial Strategy (EDIS) sets a clear, long-term vision to achieve defence industrial readiness in the European Union.

The Strategy outlines the challenges currently faced by the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB) but also the opportunity to tap its full potential and sets out a direction for the next decade. To increase European defence industrial readiness, Member States need to invest more, better, together, and European.

The European Defence Industry Programme

As a first immediate and central means to deliver the Strategy, the European Commission also tables a legislative proposal for a European Defence Industry Programme (EDIP) and a framework of measures to ensure the timely availability and supply of defence products.

The European Defence Industry Programme (EDIP) is the new legislative initiative that will bridge from short-term emergency measures, adopted in 2023 and ending in 2025, to a more structural and longer-term approach to achieve defence industrial readiness. This will ensure continuity in the support to the European defence technological and industrial base, to accompany its swift adaptation to the new reality.


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