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Mall-CBRN project in support of large-scale venues

The project aims to produce a security gaps analysis to identify vulnerabilities and needs of protection systems, including response to CBRN threats affecting large indoor areas.

@Copyright Mall-CBRN project

date:  09/05/2023

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Europe faces an increased risk from chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) attacks. Such incidents may open the door for the European Union destabilization, undermining economic stability, public security, and EU integration. Potential targets include large gatherings of people such as indoor public venues (i.e., shopping malls).

The Mall-CBRN project aims at creating a comprehensive program of prevention and response to CBRN  terrorist acts. It started in November 2019 with a gap analysis in shopping mall security systems and identification of most likely scenarios of CBRN threats. At further stage the project will elaborate recommendation for prevention and response to CBRN terrorist attacks.

Trainings will be organized during the second half of the project. Various stakeholders are present in the project as full members and associated partners. Their presence is crucial, as it allows to elaborate results that will meet target group expectation and requirements. Consortium members and external experts involved in the project represent experienced specialists in the field of CBRN, such as representatives of LEAs, military institutes, security companies or high governmental organisations.

The project´s main activities and results include a production of a security gap analysis: a comprehensive report on gap analysis based on desk research, questionnaire survey and fact-finding visits to identify vulnerabilities and needs of protection systems of large indoor areas (i.e., shopping malls). The project will also produce a safety/security guidelines and a set of recommendations based on risk assessment to raise awareness and promote good safety practices and measures to detect contamination quickly in order to limit casualties.

The project facilitates 5 pilot training courses protection staff and 2 large-scale exercises for 120 participants in cooperation with public services.