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Launch of the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment

The Partnership will deliver game-changing projects to close the infrastructure gap in developing countries, strengthen the global economy and supply chains, and advance national security.

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date:  02/07/2022

See alsoPress Release

At the G7 Leaders’ Summit in Schloss Elmau, Leaders formally launched the Partnership for Global Infrastructure (PGII) to mobilize hundreds of billions of dollars and deliver quality, sustainable infrastructure that makes a difference in people’s lives around the world, strengthens and diversifies supply chains, creates new opportunities for businesses.

The G7 made it clear at its second working session that it aims to make major investments in global infrastructure by presenting the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment. To this end, the G7 partners plan to mobilise up to 600 billion US dollars in public and private investments over the next five years. The G7 infrastructure initiative was building on strong regional initiatives such as the EU Global Gateway.

Further working sessions dealt with issues of investment in global infrastructure, foreign and security policy, and climate protection. The G7 Summit is also addressing the global consequences of the war in Ukraine: rising energy prices, the shortage of raw materials and the threat of worldwide famine.

A strong, rules-based international order cannot be achieved without solidarity and cooperation among the world’s democracies – both within the G7 and beyond. Global partnerships and initiatives are needed to make real progress on the important challenges facing the world of the future.