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SECUREGAS for Securing the European Gas Network

SECUREGAS project aims to secure gas networks and make them resilient to both physical and cyberthreats, ultimately ensuring the safety and security of Europe’s energy supply. It promotes resilience through a system-thinking approach.

© 2022 Securegas

date:  03/03/2022

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A typical Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) framework mainly builds on an asset-based perspective, usually focusing on the physical security and safety measures deployed to prevent disruptions. On the other hand, considering the uncertain nature of events and the changing risk landscape, resilience further broadens the lens of critical infrastructure frameworks by integrating concepts such as adaptability, robustness and flexibility. By these means, it fosters the preparation of assets and systems to be restored and rehabilitated swiftly upon disasters.


The SecureGas project draws on the resilience concept aiming at enhancing Gas Critical Infrastructure (GCI) ability to anticipate and absorb, but also to respond, recover and adapt to disruptive events.


SecureGas promotes GCI resilience through a system-thinking approach: the GCI has been analysed at system level, meaning that it has been studied from the production phase to the transmission one, till the distribution to the users, including transboundary considerations. Moreover, an all-hazards resilience-based approach has been adopted throughout the entire life cycle of the Gas CI network, from the design phase to its operation and maintenance (ISO 55001:2014, Asset Management). As such, the main principles of a resilience-based asset management framework have been elaborated to pursue a comprehensive analysis of threats and vulnerabilities. Security, safety and environmental aspects have been assessed, providing guidance for the selection of appropriate alternatives and countermeasures. This allows considering, since the design phase onwards, elements like robustness and redundancy, which reflect system’s ability to withstand events and continue operating (ISO 22301:2019, Business Continuity).


Finally, an innovative all hazards & all threats risk assessment study of a pipeline hub has been performed, so that to contribute to the recent proposal for a Directive on the Resilience of Critical Entities. Indeed, the study aims demonstrating how new threats (e.g. unconventional disruptions), can be integrated into more conventional risk assessment approach (ISO 31000:2018, Risk Management).


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