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Launch of the EU Cyber Diplomacy Initiative

A new iteration of the EU-funded project focused on policy support, research, outreach and capacity building in the field of cyber diplomacy and cyber resilience, has been launched for increased convergence in the cyberspace.

date:  26/10/2021

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In September, the European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) and its partners launched EU Cyber Direct – EU Cyber Diplomacy Initiative— a new iteration of the EU-funded, 3-year project focused on policy support, research, outreach and capacity building in the field of cyber diplomacy and cyber resilience. The project aims to identify opportunities for increased convergence between the EU and other stakeholders on the application of existing international law in cyberspace and development of cyber norms and confidence building measures, while sharing knowledge about the EU’s standards, policies, and good practices. Research and activities are organised around four key themes:

  • Conflict prevention and advancing responsible behaviour in cyberspace
  • Cyber resilience and critical infrastructure protection
  • Cybercrime and criminal justice in cyberspace
  • New and emerging technologies with a potential disruptive effect

Targeted bilateral consultations with partner countries and engagements with regional organisations aim to support the EU’s cyber diplomacy efforts towards strengthening rules-based order in cyberspace and building cyber resilient societies. The project also looks at ongoing cyber-related processes at the global, regional, and national levels and also aims to increase participation of different stakeholder groups in these debates.

To get involved or receive project updates, visit or contact Outreach and Public Engagement Coordinator, Nils Berglund (