Read the online version | ISSN 2600-3570
  December 2021  
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Critical Infrastructure Resilience: News, Updates and Events


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In this Issue

Dear Colleague,

The European Commission is glad to publish a quarterly newsletter which provides news concerning the main activities and events, carried out across EU and beyond on critical entities and supply chains.

The newsletter focuses on latest developments, ongoing activities and relevant policy-making aimed to enhance critical infrastructure protection and resilience-based initiatives. The main recipients are Member States, operators, competent authorities, and other key stakeholders in both public and private sectors dealing with critical infrastructure resilience, sectoral interdependencies and competitive security solutions.

The newsletter is a joint effort of the European Commission's Directorate-General Migration and Home Affairs (HOME) and Joint Research Centre (JRC).


If you work or are interested in the area of critical infrastructure resilience, get in touch and share any interesting information by emailing us (see Contact at the bottom).

Happy reading,

The Editorial Team

Policy Updates
News from the EU
Towards a New Resilience Policy Framework for Critical Entities

Besides dedicated Council conclusions on resilience, progress was made by European Parliament and Member States with regard to the proposals for the Directive on the resilience of critical entities (CER Directive) and the Directive on measures for high common level of cybersecurity across the Union (NIS-2 Directive).

A State of the Union that looks at CIs

The EC President's speech looks across the Union needs and perspectives, addressing investments in quality infrastructure, connecting goods, people and services around the world. That will ensure the security of supply and will develop new markets for ground-breaking European tech.

InvestEU Regulation supports CIs through Strategic Investments

Strategic investments focus on building stronger European value chains, supporting activities in critical infrastructure and technologies. This programme looks at the future needs of the European economy and promote the EU's open strategic autonomy in key sectors.

Connecting Europe Facility: Financing key EU Infrastructure Networks

The EC supports the development of high-performing, sustainable and interconnected trans-European networks in the areas of transport, energy and digital infrastructure through a renewed Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Regulation.

News from outside EU
G20 Policy Agenda to boost Infrastructure Maintenance

The G20 Policy Agenda on Infrastructure Maintenance aims to emphasize how adequate planning, funding and implementing resilience and maintenance along the entire life of existing assets is critical and, for many countries, an urgent priority.

USA announces the new Security Directive for Pipeline Operators

Due to the ongoing cybersecurity threat to pipeline systems and associated infrastructure, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is issuing this Security Directive for enhancing Pipeline Cybersecurity.

New Canadian Action Plan for CIs

The Canadian Action Plan 2021-2023 builds upon progress made through past action plans, identifies new activities based on the changing threat environment, and will support a collaborative approach to enhance the security and resilience of Canada’s critical infrastructure.

Australia regulates Offshore and Energy Infrastructures

Australia has introduced legislation that will allow offshore wind projects to be built in Commonwealth waters. The legislation will also create a licensing regime to permit exploration, construction, and operation of offshore renewable energy and transmission projects in these areas.

Networks & Cooperation
New European Alliances for Critical Digital Infrastructures

The Commission kick-starts two new Industrial Alliances: the Alliance for Processors and Semiconductor technologies and the European Alliance for Industrial Data, Edge and Cloud which will advance the next generation of microchips and industrial cloud/edge computing technologies of CIs.

USA-EU Joint Statement on Covid-19 Manufacturing and Supply Chain Taskforce

U.S.A. and EU supply chains for COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics are closely intertwined. This cooperation includes efforts toward smooth manufacturing and supply chains for COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics through a joint taskforce.

EU Strategic Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific on Supply Chains

The current dynamics in the Indo-Pacific have given rise to intense geopolitical competition adding to increasing tensions on trade and supply chains as well as in technological, political and security areas. EU steps up its strategic engagement with the Indo-Pacific region on seven priority areas.

NATO-Private Sector Dialogues on CI security

The 6th NATO-private sector dialogues with GLOBSEC brought relevant stakeholders together to exchange views and insights about how the private sector can contribute to decision making on the new challenges in critical infrastructure and the emerging challenges of supply chain security.

Towards a European Strategy for Standardisation

This initiative aims to address the challenges facing the European standardisation system and to improve it. It seeks to better respond to the standardisation needs arising from the green and digital transformation of the EU’s industrial ecosystem.

A European Standard to guide LNG Infrastructures

A new standard to provide functional guidelines for the design, construction, and operation of on-shore liquefied natural gas (LNG) installations with a storage capacity of more than 200 tons of LNG.

A New Standard on Drones: launch of the public enquiry

CEN and ASD-STAN launched the public enquiry on unmanned aircraft systems. This document provides technical specification and verification method to support compliance with product requirements for drones.

NATO sets a Standard for Ethical Use of New Technologies

NATO is determined to set the standard for the ethical use of emerging and disruptive technologies to ensure that technological advances comply with international law and democratic values.

Research Findings & Uptake
InfraStress project addresses Cyber-Physical Protection of CIs

InfraStress project brings together international partners from industry and academia addressing the security and resilience of Industrial Critical Infrastructure as well as the creation of a culture of security and critical infrastructure protection.

Pandemic Impacts on Resilience of Hazardous Industries

The Covid-19 pandemic has been a challenge for high hazard sites to maintain high levels of resilience on site while reducing exposure of personnel to the risk of contracting the virus. This JRC study provides room for reflections, improvements and follow-up activities.

Functioning of SEVESO III Directive: Findings and way forward

This study report shows that between 2015 and 2018, the number of major industrial accidents in EU has stabilised at a low level. The Member States are better implementing the provisions of the Directive, compared to the data reported in previous years.

CERIS Workshop: Enhancing Infrastructure Resilience against Hybrid Threats

The CERIS INFRA workshop organised by DG HOME, presented the challenges of hybrid attacks to critical infrastructure, using a large-scale hybrid attack scenarios.

Launch of the EU Cyber Diplomacy Initiative

A new iteration of the EU-funded project focused on policy support, research, outreach and capacity building in the field of cyber diplomacy and cyber resilience, has been launched for increased convergence in the cyberspace.

ENISA Methodology for a Sectoral Cybersecurity Assessment

The document describes the methodology for sectoral cybersecurity assessments in the context of drafting sectoral cybersecurity certification schemes which address ICT infrastructures and services in individual market sectors.

Reports & Perspectives
EU Strategic Foresight Report 2021

The report presents a forward-looking and multi-disciplinary perspective on the EU’s capacity and freedom to act in the coming decades.

CEN Strategy to Tackle Disruptive Challenges

CEN-CENELEC Strategy 2030 report aims to rethink and optimise how standards create value to stakeholders. It covers a time horizon of ten years to tackle long-term disruptive strategic challenges.

Cyber-Physical Threat Intelligence for CIs Security

The report focuses on securing critical infrastructures in air transport, water, gas, healthcare, finance and industry, considered as large scale Cyber Physical Systems (CPS).

Towards a Future-Proof Security EU Ecosystem for CIs

The EC adopted its second progress report on the implementation of the EU Security Union Strategy 2020-25 to ensure security in the physical and digital environment.

EC Implementation Report for Cyber-Resilient CIs

The EC produced the first report on the implementation of the European Union's Cybersecurity Strategy for the Digital Decade tackling cyber-resilience, technological sovereignty and operational capacity of supply chains and CIs world-wide.

EC Technical Guidance on Climate Proofing of Infrastructure

The Commission released a technical guidance on the climate proofing of investments in network infrastructure and physical assets covering the programming period 2021-2027.

OECD report on Infrastructure Resilience and Maintenance

This OECD report provides a framework to optimise existing infrastructure assets and build new resilient infrastructure, including new strategies capable of ensuring quality and performance over the asset life-cycle.

Economic Benefits from more Reliable and Resilient Infrastructure

Building on the World Bank’s operational and analytical work, this report offers evidence that inadequate or deferred maintenance of infrastructure assets have costs and repercussions on the growth and well-being of people, firms and economic systems.

Mapping the Threat Landscape for Supply Chain Attacks

This ENISA report aims at mapping and studying the supply chain attacks 2020-2021 where supply chain attacks increased in number and sophistication, posing an increasing risk for organizations and essential service suppliers.

The World Climate and Security Report 2021

The report draws lessons from existing climate security practices regarding addressing climate-related security risks, including CI impacts. It provides policymakers the tools needed to both prepare for and prevent climate security risks in the future for CIs.

2021 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure

This report reveals USA has made some incremental progress toward restoring national infrastructure. Using a simple report card format, it examines current infrastructure conditions and needs, assigning grades and making recommendations to raise them.

Strategic or CIs: state of play and recommendations

This study, requested by the European Parliament, provides a careful analysis of CIs’ status in the EU. It covers challenges and measures in place for CI safeguard and provides recommendations for increasing CIP and resilience.

Upcoming Events
Critical Infrastructure Protection & Resilience Europe (CIPRE)

CIPRE 2022 will allow the industry to get back together to share experiences, as well as network and develop connections to collaborate on securing Europe.

date 15/03/2022 - 17/03/2022
venue Bucharest, Romania
See also Website
Digital Infrastructure Forum Global Summit 2022

The forum will hear from the global community on this increasingly important sub-asset class. It will provide the perfect place to discuss strategies for investing in digital. Join global investors and managers and discover the potential of digital infrastructure.

date 21/03/2022 - 24/03/2022
venue Berlin, Germany
See also Website
CyberTech Europe 2022

The European summit for the cyber industry covers various topics and touch upon different sectors - from security to logistics, through finance and health. In addition, sector-specific special events will explore the challenges and solutions for specified fields.

date 10/05/2022 - 11/05/2022
venue Rome, Italy
See also Website
GLOBSEC Forum 2022

The forum will be framed by current trends focusing on democratic renewal & power of the Society, sustainable world & economic recovery, world in the new digital era and security.

date 02/06/2022 - 04/06/2022
venue Bratislava, Slovakia
See also Website
Critical Infrastructure Resilience - Summer School 2022

In this 6th edition, the Summer School offers a pragmatic framework and shares tactical tools used by governments and businesses. The framework reflects both national laws and the International Standard Organization guidelines on CI-related aspects. Call for applications is open.

date 27/06/2022 - 02/07/2022
venue Venice, Italy
See also Website
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