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EU-CIP project: European knowledge-hub and policy testbed for CIP

EU-CIP project establishes a pan-European knowledge network for resilient critical infrastructures. It will enable policy makers to shape and produce data-driven policies, while boosting CI innovation capacity.

@ Copyright 2023 Engineering

date:  09/05/2023

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EU-CIP is a EU funded project, lasting three years under the frame of the EU's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme. Its main goal is to establish a novel pan-European knowledge network for resilient infrastructures, which will enable policy makers to shape and produce data-driven evidence-based policies, while boosting the innovation capacity of critical infrastructures operators, authorities, and innovators.


In this direction, the partners have already established the European Cluster for Securing Critical infrastructures (ECSCI), which brings together 27 projects that collaborate on CI resilience. EU-CIP will leverage the capacity, organization, community, and achievements of the ECSCI cluster towards establishing an EU-wide knowledge network with advanced analytical and innovation support capabilities.

EU-CIP will offer advanced information analysis capabilities for evidence-based policy making and innovation support services for exploiting and commercializing research outcomes.

The consortium will base its work on three pillars to realise this overarching objective.



  1. ANALYSIS - Enhance Europe’s analytical capability regarding research outcomes, technologies, and policies – foster data-driven evidence-based policy and innovation development: Establish a data collection, information monitoring and analysis methodology and infrastructure, which will continually collect, analyse, curate, extract and present information and insights about resilient infrastructures.
  2. AMPLIFY - Maximize the impact of R&I CIP/CIR activities in Europe through innovation support and solution validation services: Provide a set of innovation support and solution validation services for research outcomes and innovative solutions in the areas of resilient infrastructures (CIP/CIR).
  3. ECOSYSTEM - Establish a Knowledge-Hub and create a vibrant ecosystem of interested and committed stakeholders around the project’s results: Establish and grow an EU-wide ecosystem of CIP/CIR stakeholders covering EU-27 and other countries of the EEA.