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LIFE Programme

July 2024

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LIFE Awards 2024 Winners: spotlight on Water

This year's winners at the LIFE Awards include the LIFE Special Award for Water, presented to Freshhabit LIFE IP. This project, a seven-year, €20 million integrated initiative, aims to restore Finland's 'Kingdom of Water.'


Week of recognition for the LIFE Programme

The LIFE Programme has enjoyed a week of widespread recognition with its innovative initiatives and impactful results being prominently featured in various media outlets and high-profile events.


LIFE Awards 2024 Winners: spotlight on Nature Protection

Taking top spot in this year’s LIFE Award for Nature Protection was LIFE Flusserlebnis Isar, an ambitious seven-year project combining nature and water conservation to restore Germany’s iconic River Isar.


LIFE Awards 2024 Winners: spotlight on the Citizens’ Prize

The LIFE Awards Citizens’ Prize is always keenly contested. Any EU citizen can vote, with the winner announced at the finale of the ceremony. Against stiff competition, LIFE Nature Guardians was the citizens’ clear favourite.


EU funded projects showcased at LIFE REPowerEU platform conference

Dedicated to the EU REPowerEU plan, the event focused on decarbonisation strategies for the heating and cooling sector, as demonstrated by a variety of LIFE and other EU funded projects.



Join the #WaterWise EU campaign

The European Commission’s Directorate-General for the Environment launched the #WaterWiseEU during the EU Green Week.The campaign aims to encourage people across Europe to See Water Differently. Together, we can inspire change and secure a future where water is respected, protected, and accessible.


Programmes Pre-LIFE

Learn more about early EU environmental initiatives and explore the European Commission’s environmental policies prior to 1992. This work includes archives from various programs between 1984-1992.


Green Assist: Advancing sustainability in labware waste

In Ireland, the University of Galway and the Technological University of the Shannon, together with Novelplast Teoranta (Co. Meath), are tackling labware waste with a new project. They're starting by teaching lab sustainability and the circular economy to promote eco-friendly practices.


LIFE sets the pace for environmental governance

From monitoring Irish air quality to reducing chemical use in Hungarian homes; from encouraging greener choices in Italy to cleaning up water in Lithuania and Poland - across Europe, LIFE environmental governance projects are changing lives.


Project news

LIFE RESYSTAL: future-proofing climate-resilient healthcare

15 July is EU #ClimateVictimsDay, dedicated to honouring those affected by the global climate crisis. It reminds us of the need for collective action to mitigate climate impacts and strengthen resilience, central to the project LIFE RESYSTAL.


LIFE preserves marine life for Shark Awareness Day

Sharks are crucial to our marine ecosystems, a role often overshadowed by their scary reputation. Shark Awareness Day is marked on 14 July each year. Read about LIFEProject LIFE ELIFE's work protecting Mediterranean sharks.


LIFE Coast Adapt: working with nature, not against it

For decades, coastal engineers tried to protect the beaches of southern Sweden against rising sea levels with giant concrete blocks. Now, thanks to LIFE Coast Adapt, they are working with nature, not against it.



26/08/2024 - 30/08/2024

LIFE at SERE 2024

The 14th European Conference on Ecological Restoration, organised by the European Chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration (SERE), will take place in Tartu, Estonia from 26 to 30 August 2024.


About this e-mail

The LIFE newsletter is issued 10 times per year by the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). The content of the newsletter does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the institutions of the European Union.

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ISSN: 2600-5212