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May 2023

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Mark your calendars for the Launch Event of the European Blue Forum! May 26, 2023 from 9:00 to 15:30 CET in Brest!

The Launch Event is only the beginning of the European Blue Forum’s activities towards building Europe’s Blue Community; community of different users of the sea, passionate and committed to working together to deliver bold and ambitious resolutions to our shared challenges of climate change. The event will provide a platform for everyone, whether part of a large organisation or not, and regardless of how well established the sector or topic you work on is, to share your priorities, challenges and ideas, and contribute to building a common and united path towards the vision of the Sustainable Blue Economy.

Spain adopted the Spanish Maritime Spatial Plan: Planes de Ordenación del Espacio Marítimo (POEM)

The Spanish MSP, Planes de Ordenación del Espacio Marítimo (POEM), was adopted on the 28th of February 2023 by the Council of Ministers by Royal Decree. It establishes plans for each of the five Spanish marine subdivisions: North Atlantic, South Atlantic, Estrecho and Alboran, Levantine-Balearic and Canary Islands.

Introducing the European Blue Forum

Recognising the shift to creating a sustainable blue economy will rely on even closer engagement with stakeholders, from businesses large and small to local groups, to young people passionate about the health of our ocean and the public, the European Commission established the European Blue Forum in March 2023. Its goal is to contribute to global reflections about the seas and to help stakeholders identify solutions together to overcome these challenges. As part of the European Blue Forum, we are creating a community of different users of the sea passionate and committed to working together to achieve bold and tangible results in terms of nature protection and the fight against climate change. If you want to be part of shaping Europe’s “Sustainable Blue Economy” and to have your voice heard, then we have a space available for you!

date 26/05/2023
Contact European Blue Forum
Launch of three new EMFAF MSP projects

To help Member States with the implementation, monitoring and revision of their Maritime Spatial Plans, three new European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) projects were launched: The MSPGreen project, the REGINA project and the ReMAP project. More information is available on the European MSP Platform!

New national project on ICZM launched in Romania

The Romanian Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests launched a call for tenders last September 2022 to develop the National Strategy on Integrated Coastal Zone Managment (ICZM) and the associated Integrated Management Plan. The winning consortium composed of GeoEcoMar and Ovidius University, will develop a multi-sectoral political document to provide a medium and long-term vision for the use and sustainable development of Romania's coastal area.

New Community of Practice on MSP for the Mediterranean
On the 26th of January the Community of Practice (MED MSP CoP) for Maritime Spatial Planning in the Mediterranean was launched. Supported by CINEA and DG MARE, this CoP will strenghten the MSP community and build on the already rich policy context in the Mediterranean. More information is available on the European MSP Platform!
See also European MSP Platform
New publications
The final publication of MSP-MED is out now!
author MSP-MED
See also Access to the final publication
The North Sea Advisory Council (NSAC) organised a Workshop on Maritime Spatial Planning and Stakeholder Engagement

The NSAC workshop on MSP explored principles of timely stakeholder engagement and cross-border management, and notions of co-existence and multi-purpose platforms. The European Commission, environmental NGOs, the industry (energy and fishing), science, and Member States, including third countries such as the UK and Norway participated in this workshop.

European Maritime Day
date 24/05/2023 - 25/05/2023
venue Brest Expo, Parc des Expositions de Penfeld
Active cooperation between the North and the Baltic Sea practitioners - eMSP NBSR project. Check out all the events planned for May, June and September.
date 04/05/2023 - 30/09/2023
Expert’s Conference on the updated VASAB Vision
date 01/06/2023
venue Wismar, Germany
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ISSN: 2600-0881