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December 2022

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New MSP infographic: facts, figures, future.

Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) is a fundamental tool for the development of a Sustainable Blue Economy. It allows us to manage the use of our seas and oceans in a long term, inclusive and innovative way, to reduce conflicts, create synergies between human activities and ensure they take place in an efficient and safe way, within the capacity of the receiving ecosystems. Explore our infographic to find out facts, figures and what are the next steps.

IOC MSP Forum and Conference 2022: stepping stones towards 2030

From November 21st to 22nd, Europe and the world met in Barcelona to discuss Maritime Spatial Planning. First with the 5th edition of MSP forum which addressed Knowledge support for MSP; Capacity building and awareness; Transboundary cooperation; Climate-smart MSP; Marine protection and restoration and Sustainable blue economy. The Forum was followed the next day by the 3rd edition of the International Conference on MSP organised by the European Commission DG MARE and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC-UNESCO), a hybrid and dynamic event packed with new projects, results and perspectives. Read more on our website.

See also 3rd MSP conference Barcelona: e-posters
CommOCEAN 2022: Do you speak MSP?

CommOCEAN 2022 was organised in Sète, France, by the European Marine Board Communications Panel (EMBCP) with the objective to provide communication skills and inspiration to communicators in marine related fields across a range of experience levels. Together with Folco Soffietti from the MSP MED project, the EU MSP Platform participated in a panel to describe good practices, lessons and opinions on successful and original ways to communicate and inform people about Maritime Spatial Planning. Read more on our website.

See also Live streams from plenary sessions
New publications
PLASMAR+: when MSP does comics

See also Video tutorial for INDIMAR® web decisio...
EU MSP Platform's season greetings

Wishing you all a good winter break; Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

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ISSN: 2600-0881