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June 2021

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New approach for a sustainable blue economy in the EU

On 17 May, the European Commission published its new approach to achieving a sustainable blue economy in the EU. These guidelines are aligned with the objectives of the European Green Deal to ensure that the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic is ecologically sustainable and inclusive.

See also EU communication
Polish Maritime Spatial Plan enters into force

On 14 April 2021, the Polish Government (council of Ministers) adopted a regulation on the Polish spatial development plan for internal sea waters, the territorial sea and the exclusive economic zone. The plan has been in force since 22 May when it was published in the official Journal of Law. Read all about MSP in Poland on our dedicated country page.

Towards an Atlantic Vision for MSP

This event was held jointly with the European MSP Platform and the Assistance Mechanism for the Atlantic Action Plan, as part of the European Maritime Day ‘In My Country’ programme. Follow the link to learn more and help develop a vision for maritime spatial planning (MSP) in the European Atlantic region by completing a short survey.

Multi-Use MED webinar outputs

This joint webinar organised by the European MSP Platform and MSP MED focused on coexistence and synergetic relationship between economic, social, environmental, and cultural components of “spatial efficiency” at sea.

MSPglobal storytelling map: new tool for MSP pilot projects

Discover the status of current activities, pressures, conflicts and compatibilities as well as proposed scenarios based on the recently launched MSPglobal technical reports. An initiative by UNESCO MSP Global

MSP as a booster for the Blue Economy

The WestMED – MSPglobal joint webinar focused on advancing a step closer to a Mediterranean MSP perspective, a perspective of collaboration, coexistence and synergetic relationship between the different components of the maritime sectors

Consultation on EU algae initiative

The public consultation on the EU Algae Initiative is now open - The Initiative aims to increase sustainable production, ensure safe consumption and boost innovative use of algae & algae-based products in Europe.

MakeEUBlue: a public campaign for ocean literacy
The Make Europe Blue campaign calls on citizens, businesses, organisations, authorities, and celebrities to commit to an action that can benefit the ocean.
European Natura 2000 Award: new category open for Marine conservation
The European Commission launched the 6th edition of the European Natura 2000 Award. The new edition includes a new category for Marine conservation to put more focus on the conservation of marine and coastal areas. Applicants can apply to the Award until September 30.
New publications
Overview of the effects of offshore wind farms on fisheries and aquaculture

New publication from SIMAtlantic

2021 EU Blue Economy report – Emerging sectors prepare blue economy for leading part in EU green transition

Guidelines for a more sustainable and competitive EU aquaculture

Does Interreg Maritime Cooperation matter?

As part of a "Maritime Roadshow", Interact released a series of videos showcasing how organisations and people across Europe have cooperated to tackle a variety of maritime challenges, with support of the Interreg Programme. 5 regional videos are already available, including one on South-West Europe.

Communicating MSP - webinar material

Following the publication of the Communicating MSP handbook, this webinar hosted by the European MSP Platform and IOC UNESCO MSP Global provided an in depth analysis of concrete examples of MSP communication strategies. The report and online video replays are available on our website.

Seanergy 2021
date 08/06/2021 - 11/06/2021
MSP decision making with PHAROS4MPAs
date 11/06/2021
EMODnet Open Conference and Jamboree 2021
date 14/06/2021 - 18/06/2021
SEAPLANSPACE Summer School 2021
date 02/06/2021 - 02/06/2021
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