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EWPP migration to EKS infrastructure (UPDATE)

EWPP migration to EKS infrastructure (UPDATE)

date:  16/07/2024

This update follows a previous communication: EWPP migration to EKS infrastructure.

The migration to the new EKS infrastructure of your EWPP website has been planned.

Please check the dedicated wiki page to find the information related to your website:

  • The URL of your website (production and acceptance) before and after the go live in EKS.
  • The URL of the new EKS environments (production and acceptance).
  • The EKS environment creation date.
  • The go live date on EKS.
  • The decommission of the old instance date.

We advise you to compare the new EKS production environment with your current production environment and see if there is any issue. You have two weeks from the moment the EKS environment is created to the go live date.

Please note that the data of your new EKS environment will be a copy of production from the day the environment is created. Therefore, any change done on your current website after the creation date will not be reflected in the EKS environment.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us via the Europa Web Communication form.

Please remember the following:

  • New acceptance and (pre-)production environments will be created in EKS infrastructure.
  • The creation of the new environments will not affect your current website.
  • There will be two weeks between the creation of the environments and the go live day so that you can compare the new environment with the current one and communicate any possible issue.
  • Your website will be unavailable to editors for about one hour during the go live date.
  • A varnish cache is foreseen to keep the website online for visitors during the go live process.