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Commission event pages and use of content-sharing

Commission event pages and use of content-sharing

date:  13/02/2024

COMM B3 is rolling out a new content-sharing feature on our corporate web publishing platform, EWPP.

For a trial period of one month, we are activating the content-sharing feature specifically for the event content type on the EC core site. 

As of last week, any events published on most DGs' EWPP standardised sites or the EC core site, using the event content type, are automatically displayed on a list page on the EC core site.

We kindly remind you that there is a shared responsibility in providing list pages that are user-friendly.

With the consideration of the user, refer to the following guidelines when creating your event pages: 

a. Create clear titles and be concise about the topic
b. Do not use “DG XYZ” in the title or description
c. Exclude using country or language in the title
d. Do not use words such as, "webinar", in the title
e. Avoid using abbreviations
f. Always add tags in the subject field
g. Always add location, offer live streaming and specify available languages
h. Always create an internal organiser in the backend and add your DG (this will ensure efficient filtering of the page)

We have also introduced a “highlighted events” section on the top of the events list page, which is managed by COMM B3 and will be frequently updated.

For any comments or questions, please contact COMM EUROPA MANAGEMENT.