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Accessibility statement (REMINDER)

Accessibility statement (REMINDER)

date:  20/11/2023

This is the last reminder to publish your accessibility statements on all Commission-owned websites by 31 December 2023.  

To assist you, we have prepared the following step-by-step guidance:

  1. If you haven’t received the results of automated checks from COMM B3, please follow these instructions to test your website/mobile app - Testing early and regularly. You can also watch the recording of the workshop on testing accessibility.
  2. Fill in the statement template – you can read these detailed instructions on how to fill in the template.
  3. When your draft is ready, send it to us via Upon receiving the green light, publish the statement in HTML format and add the link ‘Accessibility’ in the footer. Don't change the link name to ‘Accessibility statement’, it needs to be coherent throughout the domain, so that users can easily find it when switching from one EC website to another.

IMPORTANT: The last day to send your draft for review is 15 December 2023. After this date you will be asked to publish the statement without review. However, we will perform regular checks on websites starting in January 2024.