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Webtools - Formtools alternatives

Webtools - Formtools alternatives

date:  10/02/2023

Webtools’ Formtools will be decommissioned at the end of Q1 2023. Moreover, as of 1 February 2023, creation of new forms in Formtools has no longer been possible.

As an alternative, Webtools developed a new CMS-agnostic solution: Wform.

Webtools Wform allows custom forms to submit and collect non-personal data on any kind of CMS

For the use cases where personal data collection is needed, there are two additional solutions:

  • EWPP contact form – available only on the EWPP websites, this basic contact form allows limited data collection (including personal) via predefined fields.
  • EUSurvey – suitable for all websites, this tool allows creation of complex forms and surveys with collection of personal non-sensitive data. It features an API for automatic submissions processing.

Please be informed that also Default Feedback Forms should be configured to start submitting to Wform.

For any further information, do not hesitate to contact