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New EC core site (EWPP): Request to confirm user roles (REMINDER)

New EC core site (EWPP): Request to confirm user roles (REMINDER)

date:  30/11/2022

You currently have a site-wide access on the migrated Commission core site (EWPP), to facilitate checks and updates during the site building phase, but around the go live date, you will be moved to the dedicated Editorial team/s responsible for your content (named after each service).

You can find the list of editors on Teams. The file includes dedicated instructions to help you confirm which role/s you and your colleagues wish to have. We recommend to have at least 2 users per service to ensure backup during absences.

Please fill in the missing information for your service as soon as possible and no later than Thursday 1 December 2022 COB. Please note that if you do not confirm this information on time, colleagues in your team might lose their access or not have all the roles they need by the time the site goes live.

The available roles are:

  • Author team content = the author can create or edit content and save in 'Draft' status. They can also publish content as long as it has been reviewed and validated.  This is an important safeguard in the content workflow, making sure all published content has been checked by at least one other person before publication. 
  • Review team content = the reviewer will check draft content in the 'Needs review' status. They can send it back to the author as 'Draft' for revision, or pass it to the validator in the 'Request Validation' status. Reviewers may be in charge of checking spelling and grammar, fact checking, consistency checking, etc. 
  • Validate team content = the validator will either validate content received in 'Request Validation' status, send it back to the reviewer as 'Needs Review' or send it back directly to the author as 'Draft' if it needs extensive reworking. The validator is in charge of editorial consistency on the site, and has the ultimate say in what gets published. The validator can also publish validated content, unpublish it and archive it. 
  • Translate team content = once content is saved in 'Validated' status, it can also be sent for translation. To ensure efficient use of resources, only content that is validated can be sent for translation. Users with the translator role can also request translations for already published content and accept translations that come back. 
  • Draft viewer = this role is for persons in the service who need to validate content, but not to have editing access (for example a Head of Unit or Policy officer). They can see unpublished content.

N.B: One person can have several roles.

Users must have followed an EWPP training course to be granted access as an editor on the core site. Training sessions are organised once per month and can be found in EU Learn.
Exception: Colleagues needing the role of Draft viewer can request access without following a training.

For any questions, please contact