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Migration of the Commission core site: new url and soft go live

Migration of the Commission core site: new url and soft go live

date:  16/11/2022

As a reminder, on Thursday 10 November DIGIT proceeded with the soft go live of the Commission core site on EWPP. Practically this means that the website’s final URL is now active: Until the site-building phase is complete however, the website is password protected and not available to the general public. The password will be needed only if you connect to the site outside the EC network.

In order to edit/fix/update webpages owned by your DG, you will additionally need to login with your EU Login password:

You can access the pages you own on the new core site for your checks and corrections by replacing the part of the Drupal 7 url with


Drupal 7 web page:

New core site web page on EWPP:

Please be aware that the acceptance environment was only for previous testing purposes and should not be used for corrections/updates of pages that will go public.
The url of the acceptance site can be easily identified as it contains “acc”:

Thank you for your understanding. Please don’t hesitate to contact us should you have any questions.