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Correct the breadcrumb on your sites

Correct the breadcrumb on your sites

date:  15/11/2022

We are reaching out to you to correct the breadcrumbs on your EWPP sites, to make them compliant with the latest  rules and recommendations in the Europa Web Guide.

According to the breadcrumb rule, “the first element of the breadcrumb must always be labelled 'Home' and must link to the homepage of the actual site where the current user page is located. The home page is followed by its child pages, e.g. Home > 1st level of the website > 2nd level > page title. Breadcrumbs should NOT be displayed on the homepage of a site.”

This small manual correction is only to be implemented on sites that were created before September 2022. A fix has been integrated in the EWPP platform with release 16, so any new site created after September 2022 already follows the Europa Web Guide rule.

Please have a look at the sites you own on the EWPP platform and see which one/s need updating.

Once you have identified your EC and/or EU branded sites for which you need to fix the breadcrumbs, you can go to the dedicated wiki page with instructions on how to:

  • Change the “European Commission” to “Home”
  • Delete the breadcrumb on the homepage

NB: You need to have the roles 'Manage homepage options' and 'Manage breadcrumbs' to perform these actions. Please contact if this is not the case.

Please note that the relevant breadcrumbs should be corrected before Tursday 15 December 2022 CoB and we would be grateful if you could inform us once you have implemented the change on your sites.

Meanwhile, do not hesitate to contact if you have issues implementing the fix.